AminMekacher / NTDS_Team19

Final project for the Network Tour of Data Science course at EPFL. Made by Team 19

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\f0\fs24 \cf0 A Data Study of Terrorism and its Tendencies\
README FILE - Team 19\
Welcome into our repository! As we mentioned in our report, we analysed two different datasets in the context of our final project. You will find them in the respective folders:\
- The folder \'93Terrorist Attacks\'94 contains the notebook we used to analyse the original dataset we received for the project, with the data files required to run it.\
- The folder \'93Global Terrorism Database\'94 also contains its own notebook, with the analysis we performed on this open database. The csv file named \'931417_processed\'94 is the result of our downsampling the original dataset, in order to keep only the attacks happening between 2014 and 2017 and the features we were planning to use.\


Final project for the Network Tour of Data Science course at EPFL. Made by Team 19


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%