Amar1729 / dotfiles

dotfiles (managed by

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Amar's Dotfiles

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply Amar1729

These dotfiles are managed by chezmoi. I used to use git manually, but tracking changes across multiple branches for different operating systems/flavors became a huge pain once I was frequently cherry-picking and tagging to avoid merging. See the homepage for more details!

One benefit of chezmoi is that this repo - the "source state" - is managed directly renaming certain files in a specific way. "Dot" files (such as .bashrc) in the target state are named as dot_bashrc in the source state.

Another benefit is that all files can be managed in one branch, using chezmoi's template logic. So files for both macOS/linux are kept in the default branch of this repo, and synced into the "target state" (your home directory) based on the value of variables from chezmoi data - such as .chezmoi.os - or the settings in .chezmoiignore.


Window Management


  • yabai and the hotkey daemon skhd
    • Uebersicht, a neat tool for the display of html/css/js widgets directly on the desktop. This program is managing the custom toolbar you might see in a lot of Mac OS rices (and mine!)


< todo: bspwm/sxhkd/conky >


zsh plugins are managed by antibody:

antibody bundle < ~/.zsh_plugins.txt > ~/.zsh_plugins.zsh

Most shell aliases are in .shell_aliases and are zsh/bash-compatible.

I also use a repository of small scripts I write myself: bin.

Terminal Emulator



Userstyles, Extensions, Plugins, and Apps

Extensions, Plugins, Apps
  • nightTab - really nice homepage
  • uBlock Origin - opensource ad-blocking
  • Imagus - blow up images on mouseover
  • tampermonkey/greasemonkey - run custom js on specific webpages
  • browserpass - browser extension for pass, the unix password manager
  • Pushbullet - sync messages between Android and laptop
  • cliget (turns a link into a curl command with correct flags for cookies)


dotfiles (managed by


Language:Shell 48.4%Language:Lua 23.7%Language:Vim Script 14.5%Language:Perl 6.5%Language:Python 2.4%Language:Less 2.0%Language:Ruby 1.9%Language:Batchfile 0.3%Language:Scheme 0.3%