conda create -n marl python==3.6.1
conda activate marl
pip install torch==1.5.1+cu101 torchvision==0.6.1+cu101 -f
- Please refer to Google Research Football
- we use training Cooperative Navigation as an example:
cd CooperativeNavigation
- we use training Google Football as an example:
# 3vs1 scenario
cd GoogleFootball/3vs1
# 2vs6 scenario
cd GoogleFootball/2vs6
- Section 4.1: The comparison with VDN, QMIX, Weighted QMIX, COMA, CommNet and G2ANet on Cooperative Navigation.
- Section 4.2: The comparison with VDN, QMIX, Weighted QMIX, COMA, CommNet and G2ANet on Google Football.
- Section 4.3: The comparison LOLA (2 agents).
- Section 4.4: The comparison with BiAC (2 agents).
- Section 4.5: The importance of optimally electing the leader
- Our reproduce for LOLA is available at this repo : AC_LOLA
- LOLA has an elegant theory guarantee of 2 agents in a general-sum game but no such guarantee with more than 2 agents. Due to the limitation of LOLA, we only test the LOLA with 2 agents.
- In the future, we can investigate the gradient effects (average gradients from other agents or gradient effects between pairs) of multiple agents (more than 2).
- 2 agents on the Cooperative Navigation and Google Football
- The emperical results about 2 agents and 5 agents on the Cooperative Navigation