AmalZubidat / open-domain-question-and-answer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository is an open domain question answering(ODQA) framework developed and maintained by Intel. It is based on the work of haystack, and you can find more detailed information on their github. We provide three Intel Optimized pipelines, and setup a benchmark test tool to compare the performance and accuracy of these pipelines. With the help of this benchmark tool, we hope to get the best throughput and latency trade-off for each pipeline on different Intel CPU platforms.


Install Docker and Docker Compose

Note: If you have docker and docker-compose installed on your machine, then skip this.

# change to sudo privileges
sudo su
# run shell script (support Red Hat Linux)

Run Optimized Pipelines

Step-by-step Instructions

1. Download the source code
git clone
cd open-domain-question-and-answer/
git checkout -b master origin/master
git submodule update --init --recursive
2. Prepare work
Set proxy

docker container need to download model from Huggingface and install related dependencies from Internet, hence we may need to set environment param of proxy for it. Here we map HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY from host to the docker container. So please set correct environment param for HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY on the host machine.

Prepare the searching database and faiss indexing files.

Please refer to applications/Indexing

Modify the config

After executing the previous step(examples/indexing), you should get the colbert model and faiss indexing files.

  • For pipeline 2, set the ENV params "HOST_SOURCE" of config/env.stackoverflow* or config/env.marco* files to the absolute model path you placed
  • For pipeline 3, set the ENV params "HOST_SOURCE" of config/env.stackoverflow* or config/env.marco* files to the absolute postsql path where you store indexing
3. Run Demo Commands

Go to applications/odqa-pipelines

cd applications/odqa_pipelines

Note: Add the argument “-r 1” in the command, if it is first run.

  • Pipeline1: ElasticsearchDocumentStore->EmbeddingRetriever(deepset/sentence_bert)->Docs2Answers


    #stackoverflow database
    ./ -r 1 -p emr_faq -d gpu -n 0 -e stackoverflow  
    #marco database
    ./ -r 1 -p emr_faq -d gpu -n 0 -e marco


    #stackoverflow database
    ./ -r 1 -p emr_faq -d cpu -n 0 -e stackoverflow  
    #marco database
    ./ -r 1 -p emr_faq -d cpu -n 0 -e marco
  • Pipeline2: ElasticsearchDocumentStore->BM25Retriever->ColbertRanker-> Docs2Answers
    prepare colBert model:

    # download the colbert model
    cd ../../
    mkdir data
    tar -xvzf colbertv2.0.tar.gz
    mv colbertv2.0/* data/
    #or you can set HOST_SOURCE in config/env.marco.esds_bm25r_colbert file to where you place the model
    cd applications/odqa_pipelines


    #marco database
    ./ -r 1 -p colbert_faq -d gpu -n 0 -e marco 


    ./ -r 1 -p colbert_faq -d cpu -n 0 -e marco 
  • Pipeline3:FAISSDocumentStore->DPR→Docs2Answers
    prepare faiss indexed file for stackoverflow:

    cd faiss_data/stackoverflow/
    cat faiss-index-so.faiss.parta* > faiss-index-so.faiss
    cd ../../
    # change HOST_SOURCE in file config/env.stackoverflow.faiss_dpr to the path of faiss_data/stackoverflow/

    prepare faiss indexed file for marco:

    cd faiss_data/marco/
    cat faiss-index-so.faiss.parta* > faiss-index-so.faiss
    cd ../../
    # change HOST_SOURCE in file config/env.marco.faiss_dpr to the path of faiss_data/marco/


    #stackoverflow database
    ./ -r 1 -p faiss_faq -d gpu -n 0 -e stackoverflow  
    #marco database
    ./ -r 1 -p faiss_faq -d gpu -n 0 -e marco


    #stackoverflow database
    ./ -r 1 -p faiss_faq -d cpu -n 0 -e stackoverflow  
    #marco database
    ./ -r 1 -p faiss_faq -d cpu -n 0 -e marco

Benchmark tool

We provide a script to caculate the accuracy or throughput of the pipelines we list in above section. After executing docker-compose up command line listed in above section, there should be backend worker wating for processing requests from other side. And then we can run benchmark script.


start pipelines to serve as backend service. And then you need to stop the firewall by input

sudo service firewalld stop

or open related ports

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port={8000,9200,5432}/tcp


python3 --help

And it will return prompts as:

usage: [-h] [-p PROCESSES] [-n QUERY_NUMBER] [-m {0,1}] [-b BS] [-a {0,1}] [-c {0,1}][-t TOPK] [-ip IP_ADDRESS]

multi-process benchmark for haystack...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -p PROCESSES     How many processes are used for the process pool
  -n QUERY_NUMBER  How many querys will be executed.
  -m {0,1}         Which pipeline will be tested. 0:colbert; 1:emr or faiss
  -b BS            batch size for DPR
  -a {0,1}         Is it an accuracy benchmark
  -c {0,1}         Use the real concurrent
  -t TOPK          Retriever and Ranker topk
  -ip IP_ADDRESS   Ip address of backend server


  • caculate accuracy:
    You need to replace 'queries_file' and 'qrel_file' in, where 'queries_file' records lists of re-paraphrased query text in validation set, and 'qrel_file' stores relevant answer id in the validtion set. And then you can type in the terminal:

    python -a 1 -ip

    As we can see from "Usage" part, "-a 1" means we use accuracy benchmark, and "-ip" means the backend of this odqa pipeline is run on localhost. You can also specify the "-ip" param to another machine where runs the pipelines listed above

  • caculate throughput and latency

    python -m 0 -p 5 -n 100 -c 1 -ip $backend_ip

    where "-m 0" denotes the pipeline run in backend server is Pipeline 2, and "-p 5" denotes we will start 5 processes to do parallel requests, and "-n 100" means the requests number in total is 100


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%