Alviannn / express-ts-boilerplate

My personal Node TypeScript Express boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal boilerplate for working on Node.js + TypeScript + Express + PostgreSQL.

Originally this is made for the Research and Development (RnD) division in BNCC@Bandung. But I decided to make it open-source under my account since I was the one who made it and because I have been using it for my projects or other projects that is using this techstack.

To see the dependencies used in this boilerplate, go here.

Table of Contents

Entity-Relationship Diagram


Quick Start

  1. Make sure you have installed Yarn and PostgreSQL.
  2. Clone the repo
    git clone
  3. Install the dependencies
    yarn install
  4. Duplicate the .env.example file to .env and fill the database credentials
  5. Generate JWT secrets
    yarn jwt:generate
  6. (Optional) If you want, you can seed data
    yarn seed
  7. Run the dev server
    yarn dev

Project Structure

<your project>\
 |--scripts\              # User scripts for automating
 |--src\                  # Source folder
    |--configs\           # Application configs
    |--controllers\       # Routes and controllers
        |--v1             # The first major version of the controllers
    |--database\          # Database related code
        |--entities\      # Database models/entities (represents table)
        |--datasource.ts  # TypeORM datasource configuration
    |--internals          # Internal functionalities (you will rarely touch this)
        |--decorators\    # Custom decorators
        |--routes\        # Server routes, provides automatic routing
    |--middlewares\       # Custom middlewares
    |--services\           # Business logic (service layer)
    |--typings\           # Custom types/interface for type assertion
    |--utils\             # Utility functions and/or classes
    |--validations\       # Schemas for validating JSON requests
    |--app.ts             # Express app and it's configuration
    |--server.ts          # Program entry point (include database)
 |--.eslintrc.json        # ESLint config
 |--tsconfig.json         # TypeScript compiler config



# compiles the project to `build` directory
yarn compile

# diagnose the TS compiler
yarn compile:debug

# starts the program (must be compiled first)
yarn start

# Runs the server in Development environment (no compiled files)
yarn dev

Data seeding:

# Add a bunch of prepared data in `seeder.ts` file
yarn seed

Cleans the compiled files (in build directory):

yarn clean


# runs ESLint to `src` directory
yarn lint

# fixes ESLint errors (for fixable errors only)
yarn lint:fix


# shows TypeORM commands
yarn typeorm -h

# shows migration status
yarn migration:show

# generates a migration based recent schema changes
yarn migration:generate <migration-name>

# creates a new migration
yarn migration:create <migration-name>

# runs all pending migrations
yarn migration:run

# reverts all migrations
yarn migration:revert


# generate JWT secrets (both access and refresh secrets)
yarn jwt:generate

Environment Variables

Found in the .env file

# the JWT secrets

# access token expire time
# refresh token expire time

# the postgres database credentials


  1. express
    • Node.js minimal backend framework.
  2. cors
    • Middleware to enable CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing).
    • Allows the frontend devs to access the backend.
  3. helmet
    • Secures the backend HTTP headers.
  4. compression
    • Compression middleware.
    • It compresses the server response with GZIP, the client will then receive the responses in smaller size of data.
  5. http-status-codes
    • To avoid magic numbers and use constants enum. Ex: Using BAD_REQUEST instead of 400.
  6. joi
    • Library for validating JSON, making it easy to make sure all (or certain) properties exists and valid.
  7. luxon
    • Better date and time library than the default Date from JS.
    • Why not momentjs? Because it has stopped it's development, check here and I personally like it.
  8. pg
    • PostgreSQL database for our backend projects, although we won't be using this directly, but through typeorm.
  9. typeorm
    • ORM (Object-relational mapping) library for Node.js.
    • Helps us to access the database without a need to write SQL queries.
      • It can prevent typos in SQL query.
      • It can make cleaner codes.
      • It's perfect for TypeScript.
  10. bcrypt
  11. jsonwebtoken
    • Token based user authentication, we need to know whether user is logged in or not.
  12. ts-node
    • Able to execute TypeScript Node.js without compiling.
    • It's used in development environment.
  13. cross-env
    • Run Node.js scripts with custom environment without the need of .env.
    • In Unix based OS, it's easy to achieve this even without cross-env, but for Windows users it's trickier.
  14. morgan
    • A logger middleware for HTTP request.
    • It logs the event for each requests.
  15. winston
    • Flexible logger for anything and everything.
    • It's the main logger with morgan, and it's as powerful as ever.


My personal Node TypeScript Express boilerplate


Language:TypeScript 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%