Alvazz / remix-antd-admin

A Remix Antd Admin (FE)

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Remix Antd Admin

A management system based on Remix/Antd/Echarts/Styled-components that enables quick project initialization.

project address

Current Remix Version



Remix's design paradigm is simple and convenient - the entire application is a router that connects the front-end and back-end. The form design makes Remix's form capabilities more straightforward and convenient. In a backend management system, data display, data entry, and page switching are crucial. Remix's design seems to be a simple and apt fit. Integrating Antd UI project capabilities allows for the rapid implementation of backend management systems with beautiful and straightforward UIs.

Core Packages

Package Description
remix 1.51.0 (CorPackage)
antd 5.3.1 (Core UIPackage)
styled-components CSS-in-JS solution (Core CSS solution)
remix-utils Remix's common tools, such as the <ClientOnly> component (Core tool)

Chart Libraries

Internationalization Package Description
remix-i18next A simple way to translate your Remix application

Chart Libraries

Chart selection should consider support for SSR.

Chart Library Description
echarts 5.3.9 primary charts (consider Remix's need for server-side rendering)
echarts-for-react Echarts component encapsulated by React
react-mind React mind
react-mindmap React mind
react-wordcloud React word cloud that supports SSR
reactflow Flow chart
echarts-liquidfill-ssr Water droplet chart

Cropping Tool

pnpm install react-advanced-cropper


Simple and clear routing writing paradigm, simple data retrieval and form capabilities.

  • Powerful file routing paradigm
  • remix loader retrieves data
  • action processes form data


Use pnpm

# server
pnpm run dev # pnpm dev
# build
pnpm run build # pnpm build
# Development environment server
pnpm run start # pnpm start

Formatting Tool

"scripts": {
    "prettier": "prettier --write app/ public/locales"
pnpm run prettier


Currently in a state of continuous fundraising. If this project helps you, please consider buying the author a cup of coffee. With your support, the project will receive better maintenance and produce higher-quality code. You can also participate in this project as a contributor and provide valuable feedback to help with its maintenance and development.


A Remix Antd Admin (FE)


Language:TypeScript 97.0%Language:JavaScript 2.1%Language:CSS 0.9%