AlvarezKevin / Moodion

Android app where you can submit a picture and get a playlist in return based on the emotions detected in your picture

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Android app that uses Microsoft Emotion Api and Spotify Api to fetch a playlist based on the emotions detected in the image you took or chose.

How to configure on your system

  1. Import as Android Studio project
  2. Create and APIKEY class
  3. Create a public static final String called KEY and set it to your Microsoft Emotion API Key
  4. Create a second string called CLIENT_ID and set it equal to your Spotify API Client ID
public class APIKEY {
  public static final String KEY = "YOUR MICROSOFT EMOTION API KEY";
  public static final String CLIENT_ID = "YOUR SPOTIFY CLIENT ID";

Demonstration of App


Ideas for improvement

If you have any ideas for improvement please let me know about them either through message or opening an issue. Thank you


Android app where you can submit a picture and get a playlist in return based on the emotions detected in your picture


Language:Java 100.0%