Alphalaneous / EZMemory

Easy Memory Reading and Writing using JNA

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easy Memory Reading and Writing on Windows using JNA

Example: Reading Memory

MemoryHelper geometryDashMemory = new MemoryHelper("GeometryDash.exe" /* exe name */ , 0x3222d0 /* base address */);  
int[] xPosOffsets = new int[]{0x164, 0x224, 0x67C};  
int[] levelNameOffsets = new int[]{0x164, 0x22C, 0x114, 0xFC};  
float xPos =, 4 /* how many bytes to read */).getFloat(0);  
String levelName = geometryDashMemory.readString(levelNameOffsets);

Example: Writing Memory

MemoryHelper geometryDashMemory = new MemoryHelper("GeometryDash.exe" /*exe name*/ , 0x3222d0 /* base address*/);  
int[] xPosOffsets = new int[]{0x164, 0x224, 0x67C};  
int[] yPosOffsets = new int[]{0x164, 0x224, 0x680};  
geometryDashMemory.writeFloat(xPosOffsets, 69f /* value to write */);  
geometryDashMemory.writeFloat(yPosOffsets, 420f /* value to write */);

Example: Injecting a DLL

MemoryHelper geometryDashMemory = new MemoryHelper("GeometryDash.exe" /*exe name*/ , 0x3222d0 /* base address */);  


Method Purpose
getProcess() Returns the Process Handle
reload() Resets the Process Handle (Useful if program closes and has reopened)
getAppBase() Returns the dynamic base address
getPID() Returns the process PID
getExeName() Returns the exe name of the process
isOpen() Returns true if the process is open
isInFocus() Returns whether the process is in focus or not
read(int[] offsets, int bytesToRead) || read(long address, int bytesToRead) Reads a value from memory
readString(long address) || readString(int[] offsets) Reads a String from memory
writeBytes(int[] offsets, byte[] value) Writes bytes to offsets
writeInt(int[] offsets, int value) Writes an int to offsets
writeFloat(int[] offsets, float value) Writes a float to offsets
writeString(int[] offsets, String value) Writes a String to offsets
writeToAddress(long address, byte[] data) Writes bytes to a memory address
injectDLL(String dllLocation) Injects a DLL into the process