AlphaTechnolog / nvcodark

Another attempt to make a full featured neovim distribution

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Another attempt to make of neovim a complete IDE.


Thanks to

  • K0K41 (for the name of nvcodark)



NvCoDark uses as a important depedency packer, you will install nvcodark and packer with these commands

In the future I will install packer automatically where packer are not installed

test -d ~/.config/nvim && mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.old # Backup your old configs
test -d ~/.local/share/nvim && mv ~/.local/share/nvim ~/.local/share/nvim.old # Backup your neovim plugins and another stuff
test -d ~/.cache/nvim && mv ~/.cache/nvim ~/.cache/nvim.old # Backup neovim cache, like lsps logs
cd ~/.config
git clone nvim # Clone nvcodark
git clone --depth 1\
 ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim # Install packer
nvim +PackerInstall # Install the plugins


You can uninstall nvcodark removing these directories:

  • ~/.local/share/nvim: Lsps binaries and some other stuff
  • ~/.config/nvim: NvCoDark config
  • ~/.cache/nvim: Cache of nvim like lsps logs


Some themes (not all)

Decay (my preferred :3)


















Creating your config

By default nvcodark reads a file named ~/.config/nvim/lua/default_rc.lua, it file is tracked by git, is recommended you create your custom config, to it copy it file content and create a new file named ~/.config/nvim/lua/rc.lua that contains the ~/.config/nvim/lua/default_rc.lua content, you can do it with a simple sh command:

cd ~/.config/nvim
cp -r ./lua/default_rc.lua ./lua/rc.lua

And then edit it as you want. It file isn't tracked by git, it's in the gitignore your configuration may not be shared with others people.

Read the next section that creates more content in the config file


I will add more but in this moments it only support these themes:

  • decay (default) (my preferred and by me :3)
  • tokyonight
  • ayu dark
  • calvera
  • catppuccin
  • gruvbox
  • material
  • onedark
  • onedarker (by me :D)
  • pywal (by me :D)
  • everforest
  • everblush (by Mangeshrex & me :D)
  • night (by me :D)
  • iceberg
  • levuaska (by me :D)

Enabling a theme

Check if the theme name exists in the colorschemes folder (~/.config/nvim/lua/colorschemes)

Example: If your colorscheme name is catppuccin, you may check if the file ~/.config/nvim/lua/colorscheme/catppuccin.lua exists if yes put this in your config:

config.colorscheme = 'catppuccin'

If you want to change the lualine theme you can modify this:

config.lualine = {
  theme = 'catppuccin',

Creating your custom colorscheme

Colorschemes in nvcodark works as a function that is executed at colorschemes loading lifecycle. In this example we create the support for the navarasu/onedark.nvim.

To it first install the plugin adding to the additional_plugins section in your private config, modify ~/.config/nvim/lua/rc.lua

config.plugins = {
  additional_plugins = {
    {'navarasu/onedark.nvim', as = 'onedark'},
  -- your other config

Then reload nvim, and install it with: :PackerInstall or :PackerSync.

Create a file named ~/.config/nvim/lua/colorschemes/onedark.lua, basically it may return a table with the property enable that may be a function which is supposed to activate the theme.

Put this:

local M = {}
local present, onedark = pcall(require, 'onedark')

if not present then
  return {
    enable = function ()
      error('[WARN/plugins/onedark]: Cannot import onedark')

M.enable = function ()

return M

Basically it handles possibly errors at try to import a not installed plugin.

Then activate it in your config, put this in ~/.config/nvim/lua/rc.lua:

config.colorscheme = 'onedark' -- it would load /lua/colorschemes/onedark.lua and call enable

config.lualine = {
  theme = 'onedark', -- change that lualine theme to onedark (it's provided by the theme)

And that's all.

Language servers

The languages servers provides intellisense, code actions and another features like vscode, to enable it exists the property config.lsp in the rc file.

Initial structure

By default it look like this:

config.lsp = {
  misc = {
    signature = true,
    cosmic_ui = {
      rename = true,
      code_actions = true,
  servers = {
    tsserver = consts.NIL,
    pylsp = consts.NIL,
    vuels = consts.NIL,
    clangd = consts.NIL,
    emmet_ls = consts.NIL,
    sumneko_lua = function()
      local runtime_path = vim.split(package.path, ';')
      table.insert(runtime_path, 'lua/?.lua')
      table.insert(runtime_path, 'lua/?/init.lua')

      return {
        settings = {
          Lua = {
            runtime = {
              version = 'LuaJIT',
              path = runtime_path,
            diagnostics = {
              globals = {'vim'},
            workspace = {
              library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true),
            telemetry = {
              enable = false,

In the first section:

config.lsp = {
  misc = {
    signature = true,
    cosmic_ui = {
      rename = true,
      code_actions = true,

We are defining if the lsp will configure features like signature or for cosmic ui the rename input and the code actions, if you set the rename of cosmic ui to false, nvcodark will use the builtin input in neovim to rename.

And the next section define which language servers would run (check this for more information!):

config.lsp = {
  servers = {
    tsserver = consts.NIL,
    pylsp = consts.NIL,
    vuels = consts.NIL,
    clangd = consts.NIL,
    emmet_ls = consts.NIL,
    sumneko_lua = function()
      local runtime_path = vim.split(package.path, ';')
      table.insert(runtime_path, 'lua/?.lua')
      table.insert(runtime_path, 'lua/?/init.lua')

      return {
        settings = {
          Lua = {
            runtime = {
              version = 'LuaJIT',
              path = runtime_path,
            diagnostics = {
              globals = {'vim'},
            workspace = {
              library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true),
            telemetry = {
              enable = false,

With consts.NIL you can skip the setup function for the lsp server, but you can pass a function that returns the custom options for the language server!

To install the language server in your system use :LspInstall <lsp-server> (I implement lsp-installer)

Lsp server mappings

Some mappings for lsp servers are:

  • gd: open definitions with telescope
  • gD: go to declaration
  • gi: open implementations with telescope
  • gt: open type definitions with telescope
  • gr: open references with telescope
  • gn: rename variable or function or class...
  • ga: code actions (works in visual mode too)
  • [g: go to previous diagnostic
  • ]g: go to next diagnostic
  • ge: open diagnostics in a float window
  • <leader>ge: open diagnostics with telescope
  • K: hover
  • <leader>gf: format document (works in visual mode too)
  • <C-K>: Open signature

Custom hooks

The custom hooks are functions that are executed to allow you custom the work of neovim in your custom and private config.

Exists a folder with some examples, let's create a custom hook that defines some autocmds (set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab for php files and python files).

To it, copy the file ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/examples/autocmds.lua to ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/autocmds.lua, and edit it, you will get a file content like this:

local M = {}

M.init = function ()
  -- write your autocmds here
  vim.cmd [[ autocmd FileType php setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 ]]
  vim.cmd [[ autocmd FileType python setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 ]]

return M

It's exactly where we need, the module exports a table that contains the function init, and it's executed as main function by ~/.config/nvim/lua/customloader.lua.

Activating the autocmds custom hook

Put this in your rc.lua:

config.custom = {
  load = {
    autocmds = true,

The load key contains a table where the key of an item is the name of the file that will be loader in ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/x.lua where x is the name of the key. e.g:

config.custom = {
  load = {
    requests = true,

It will load a file in ~/.config/nvim/lua/custom/requests.lua

The value is if you want to enable it or not (boolean val)


Another attempt to make a full featured neovim distribution


Language:Lua 100.0%