AlphaTechnolog / nerdscanner

Show a traditional linux tree command, but with the nerdfonts (folder icons, files icons, colors, etc)

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Inspired in the traditional tree command for linux. Show a recursive folder tree with the nerdfonts icons, icons for folders, icons, and use colors for the output.


The requirements list are:

  • A very pretty linux distribution
  • A nerd font used in your terminal
  • A very good and pretty configured terminal
  • Python
  • Git
  • Bash


To install use the following commands:

mkdir ~/repo
cd ~/repo
git clone
cd nerdscanner
./ # Please write your password to create folders in /opt and files in /usr/bin


To uninstall use the script:


Getting started

First create a testdir

cd $HOME
mkdir -p testdir/dir1 testdir/dir2 testdir/dir3
touch testdir/hello1 testdir/hello2
ln -s $HOME/testdir/dir2 testdir/dir1/dir2
ln -s $HOME/testdir/hello1 testdir/dir2

The output with tree is:

├── dir1
│   └── dir2 -> /home/gabriel/testdir/dir2
├── dir2
│   └── hello1 -> /home/gabriel/testdir/hello1
├── dir3
├── hello1
└── hello2

The output with nerdscanner:

nerdscanner $HOME/testdir
 dir1
   dir2
     hello1
 hello2
 hello1
 dir3
 dir2
   hello1

the folder color is blue and the file color is green.


To custom the output pass the next options:

  • -i/--indent-size: The indent size
  • -I/--ignore: Ignore a dirname of filename
  • -nr/--no-recursive: Show's a list of dir content with no recursive method (like ls)
  • -H/--hidden: Show the hidden files of dir content
  • -NRD/--no-recursive-dir-icon: The no recursive tree, directory icon
  • -p/--path: No show the name of dirent, show the path of the dirent.
  • -h/--help: Show an automatic help log.
  • -F/--file-icon: The file icon or prefix
  • -D/--dir-icon: The directory icon or prefix
  • -dc/--dir-color: The directory icon color
  • -fc/--file-color: The file icon color

For more information use: nerdscanner --help


nerdscanner $HOME/testdir -i 4 -D "DIR" -F "FILE"
DIR dir1
    DIR dir2
        FILE hello1
FILE hello2
FILE hello1
DIR dir3
DIR dir2
    FILE hello1
nerdscanner $HOME/testdir -i 2 -dc magenta -fc red
 dir1
   dir2
     hello1
 hello2
 hello1
 dir3
 dir2
   hello1

With the colors changed

nerdscanner $HOME/testdir -nr
 dir1
 hello2
 hello1
 dir3
 dir2
mkdir $HOME/other
cd $HOME/other
git init # this create a folder named .git
npm init -y
npm install express morgan body-parser # this create a node_modules folder (like to ignore)
touch .env
echo 'node_modules' >> .env
echo '.env' >> .env
mkdir src
echo 'const express = require("express"); const app = express(); app.listen(8000, () => console.log("Listening on port 8000..."))' >> src/index.js
nerdscanner other -HI node_modules .git
 .env
 package.json
  src
   index.js
nerdscanner other -HI node_modules .git -nr -NRD "FOLDER (no open)" -F "FILE" -i 4 -dc red -fc blue -p
FILE other/.env
FILE other/package.json
FOLDER (no open) other/src



For more screenshots see The screenshots gallery


See this documentation in the web! Press me


Show a traditional linux tree command, but with the nerdfonts (folder icons, files icons, colors, etc)

License:MIT License


Language:Python 72.4%Language:Shell 27.6%