AlphaTechnolog / aesthetic-iosevka

Mirror of github:rxyhn/yoru misc/fonts/Aesthetic Iosevka

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Aesthetic Iosevka

A mirror of github:rxyhn/yoru misc/fonts/Aesthetic Iosevka

Nix Support

If you're using nix or nixos, you can install this font easily by using the provided flake in this repository.

Take the next dev shell using flake-utils as reference

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
    aesthetic-iosevka.url = "github:alphatechnolog/aesthetic-iosevka";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... } @inputs: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem(system: let
    pkgs = import nixpkgs {
      inherit system;
      overlays = [
        (_: prev: {
          aesthetic-iosevka = inputs.aesthetic-iosevka.packages.${prev.system}.default;
  in (with pkgs; {
    devShells.default = mkShell {
      buildInputs = [aesthetic-iosevka];

And if you're wanting to install the font in your system, if using nixos, you could use the next code as reference:

  fonts.packages = [pkgs.aesthetic-iosevka];

for installing aesthetic-iosevka in your system, note that you would have to add the overlay as shown in the dev shell example in order to be able to call pkgs.aesthetic-iosevka.


Mirror of github:rxyhn/yoru misc/fonts/Aesthetic Iosevka


Language:Nix 100.0%