AlphaDelta / Merry-Chrimbus

A colourful Chrimbus tree right in your very own CMD

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🎄 Merry Chrimbus!

A colourful Chrimbus tree right in your very own CMD


I wrote this yesterday in C#, then decided to try and rewrite it in C.

The tree is generated from a constant height variable and coloured lights are added that flash with colours outside of Windows' cmd colour palette (Pink, orange, every coloured light is outside of the palette).


This is a Windows only program.

It can be compiled very simply with MingW GCC like so: gcc -o tree.exe tree.c -m32 -s

As well as TCC with tcc -o tree.exe tree.c providing you add the following lines to tcc\lib\kernel32.def:


Compressing the TCC result with UPX results in a 3.50 KB executable I assume is aligned by 512 B.

❤ Merry Chrimbus ❤


A colourful Chrimbus tree right in your very own CMD


Language:C 100.0%