Alperencode / Notes

The notes about CS, general terms and things I'm researching.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this repository I'll take notes about Computer Science, general terms and things I'm researching or I'm curious about to learn.

Current Notes

  • Turing Complete : What is Turing Complete and what programming languages need to have to be Turing complete.

  • Ai-Terms : The general terms that I'm curious about to learn what are they used for while working on a 'Yolo' Ai model

  • Flutter-Notes : The notes that I'm taking while learning about flutter
    • Image-Notes: Notes that mostly screenshotted
    • Term-Explanations: Expanations of general terms
    • Code-Notes: Notes about usage of something to remember
    • Others : The notes that don't match any category but still needed to be noted

  • References : Difference between 'Call by value' and 'Call by reference'


The notes about CS, general terms and things I'm researching.