AlparslanKaraguney / fastapi-boilerplate

Fastapi Boilerplate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python 3.11

This is an example FastAPI project that used the code from here: Example Repo I will try to develop this project as much as possible for the common use cases.

Python Fastapi Postgresql Celery Rabbitmq Redis Docker Pulumi

Also sqlmodel, pydantic, alembic, poetry, ...

🧩 Features

  • Infrastructure: the common services that every backend needs, served in local by Docker Compose.
  • Easy: all the commands ready by Makefile.
  • Fast: thanks to Fastapi and async programming.
  • Async: Celery using RabbitMQ as broker and Redis as backend.
  • ORM: custom sqlmodel orm as django orm and mongoengine.
  • Authentication: OAuth2 with access/refresh tokens.
  • Admin dashboard: custom admin dashboard as django by sqladmin.
  • Frontend friendly: auto generation of SDK Typescript client.


  • Role Management: User based and role based role management will be added.
  • Logging: Request logging will be added. This can be basic request logging with current db or elastichsearch.
  • Email Service: Mail service will be added for basic usage.
  • Storage Service: File storage service like minio, S3, etc. This will be generic so you can easily adapt your own service. Just implementing your functions.
  • Caching: Caching mechanism will be added.

βš™οΈ Requirements

πŸŽ›οΈ Use

πŸ”§ Installation

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Create a virtual environment:

poetry shell
  1. Install the requirements with Poetry for developing, testing and debugging purposes.
make install

πŸ”Œ Build and run

Build and run the Docker services for using in Local.

make run

Congrats! the API is working at this point, you can check:

For admin, use:


For generating the SDK frontend client (the app should be running):

make generate_sdk

πŸ§ͺ Test

Run pytest with coverage for unit testing.

make test

You do not need to run inside Docker container.

The DB is replaced by a SQLite db in memory 😎

🚚 Migrations

Use Alembic for DB migrations.

If you create a new model, import it in: app/core/db/migrations/

After this, or modified a previous model, create the migration document:

docker-compose run app alembic revision --autogenerate -m "your commit"

If you are trying to do something complicated, maybe you need to fix the file manually.

Migration file should be created inside the Docker container because the DB url is referencing the Docker network domain.

Migrations will run when docker compose up, but you can run them manually:

docker-compose run app alembic upgread head

πŸ›  Extend

Basically, you will want to create new services that contain endpoints and models. And of course, it is almost completely sure you need to add new extra dependencies.

You can use the service user as reference.

πŸ“¦ Models

If you want to create a new model to be stored in the DB, you should follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Class based in ModelCore with table=True
from app.core.base.models import ModelCore

class NewModel(ModelCore, table=True):
    unique_property: str
  1. Import the new class into the migration model file app.core.db.migrations.models
  2. Create a new migration
  3. Create an AdminModel in
from app.core.admin.models import ModelViewCore

class NewModelAdmin(ModelViewCore, model=NewModel):
    # You can add config settings here for the Admin panel.
  1. Append it in admin_models into

🚏 Routes

If you want to create a new view protected by auth, you should include the get_current_user dependency.

Here you have an example of a new service with a protected route:

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends

from app.core.auth.functions import get_current_user

router = APIRouter(

def protected_route(current_user: str = Depends(get_current_user)):
    """ Endpoint for auth test"""
    return {"message": f"Β‘Hola, {current_user}! This is a protected url and you are inside!"}

And then append the router in routers into app.main

For creating new users, they can register by themselves or be added by Admin panel.

πŸ—οΈ Dependencies

Use Poetry like:

poetry add <new_dependency>

πŸ—œοΈ Environment variables

You should change the next env vars in .env:

  • Password hash:
    • SECRET_KEY: run in the terminal openssl rand -base64 32 to generate a new one
  • Admin superuser:

Also, it is possible you want to modify the expiry time of access/refresh tokens.

Poetry Usage

Install poetry

pip install poetry

To initialize the poetry in project

poertry init

if it is already exist. Then type

poertry install

To see poetry env informations or just path

poetry env info
poetry env info -p

To create virtualenv isinde project directory use this otherwise the virtualenv file creates in a different folder in your system

poetry config true

To get inside virtualenv

poetry shell

To exit from virtualenv




To add dependency

poetry add requests

To remove dependency

poetry remove requests

To use different version of python

poetry env use /full/path/to/python

if the python added to PATH then just type

poetry env use python3.7


Fastapi Boilerplate


Language:Python 95.4%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Mako 0.9%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:HTML 0.4%