AlpacaMax / PGN-Handler

A PGN file parser built for a PGN viewer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


PGN-Handler is a package containing a collection of functions for handling PGN files, aka Portable Game Notaion, including a parser, modification functions, and validation function.

Development Progress

This project is still under development. Currently it only has a parser, a validation function, and some modifier functions for the parsed result, the last two types of functions are essentially wrapper functions for chess.js.



parseRaw(filename) takes a PGN filename and parse the file. It returns the raw output from the parser.

> console.log(JSON.stringify(parseRaw('test_pgns/test_legal_moves.pgn'), null, 2));
  "header": {
    "event": "F/S Return Match",
    "site": "Belgrade, Serbia JUG",
    "date": {
      "year": "1992",
      "month": "11",
      "day": "04"
    "round": null,
    "white": "Fischer, Robert J.",
    "black": "Spassky, Boris V.",
    "result": "Draw"
  "moves": [
      "move": 1,
      "white": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "P",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "e",
          "rank": "4"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "e4"
      "black": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "P",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "e",
          "rank": "5"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "e5",
        "rav": [
            "move": 1,
            "white": null,
            "black": {
              "type": 1,
              "piece": "P",
              "from": {
                "file": null,
                "rank": null
              "to": {
                "file": "c",
                "rank": "4"
              "suffixParsed": null,
              "san": "c4"
      "move": 2,
      "white": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "N",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "f",
          "rank": "3"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "Nf3"
      "black": null

This PGN file is in this repo


parse(filename) is a wrapper function of parseRaw(filename). In addition to what parseRaw(filename) can do, parse(filename):

  • Labels if the current move is legal or not. If it's not then the following moves will not get labeled
  • Fills in the starting position of each move(fills in from)
  • Add current FEN after each move
  • Judge the result of game and correct the result in header if necessary
> console.log(JSON.stringify(parse('test_pgns/test_legal_moves.pgn'), null, 2));
  "header": {
    "event": "F/S Return Match",
    "site": "Belgrade, Serbia JUG",
    "date": {
      "year": "1992",
      "month": "11",
      "day": "04"
    "round": null,
    "white": "Fischer, Robert J.",
    "black": "Spassky, Boris V.",
    "result": "Draw"
  "moves": [
      "move": 1,
      "white": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "P",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "e",
          "rank": "4"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "e4",
        "legalMove": true,
        "fen": "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1"
      "black": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "P",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "e",
          "rank": "5"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "e5",
        "rav": [
            "move": 1,
            "white": null,
            "black": {
              "type": 1,
              "piece": "P",
              "from": {
                "file": null,
                "rank": null
              "to": {
                "file": "c",
                "rank": "4"
              "suffixParsed": null,
              "san": "c4",
              "legalMove": false
        "legalMove": true,
        "fen": "rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6 0 2"
      "move": 2,
      "white": {
        "type": 1,
        "piece": "N",
        "from": {
          "file": null,
          "rank": null
        "to": {
          "file": "f",
          "rank": "3"
        "suffixParsed": null,
        "san": "Nf3",
        "legalMove": true,
        "fen": "rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2"
      "black": null
  "resultOnBoard": "Unfinished"


Please run npx eslint changed_file.js before commiting


A PGN file parser built for a PGN viewer

License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%