AlnurFaisal / Newsroom

My new newsroom

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Newsroom Assignment


  • Form a team of 3-4 people
  • Pick one teammate to create a repo on github, and add everyone as collaborators (on the github repo page, click on the 'Settings' tab and click on 'Collaborators' on the left pane
  • Everyone should git clone the repository to make it available locally


Your team has to go through raw-news.txt and create directories (1 directory per category) and files (1 file per news tweet).


  • git add, git commit, git push and git pull often.
  • Each commit should contain no more than 1 file (i.e. commit everytime you add 1 news article) (we'll be watching!)
  • Each team member should create roughly the equal amount of news articles.

Bonus tasks:

  1. Ignoring files using .gitignore
  • Create a .gitignore file in the project directory
  • Create a file named 'not-news.txt' and add 'not-news.txt' to .gitignore
  • Verify that it's ignored with git status
  • Create a directory named temp, create 3 .txt files in it, and add temp to .gitignore
  • Create a directory named sandbox, create 2 .txt files and 1 .doc file in it and ignore only .doc files
  1. Fixing merge conflicts
  • Simulate a merge conflict by having 2 people edit the same file on the same line.
  • Fix merge conflict
  1. Bonus activity: Pull requests
  • Teammate A: Remove one of your teammates (teammate B) as a collaborator from the repository
  • Teammate B: Because you no longer have access, you won't be able to push to the original repo. You now have to (i) fork the repo, (ii) update the remote origin's url in your local machine (hint: use git remote set-url origin <url>).
  • Teammate B: make a change, commit, push (to your forked repo) and submit a pull request to the original repo
  • (repeat process for remaining teammates)


My new newsroom