Allencmy / React-Server-Side-Rendering-Demo

React server side rendering tutorial

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React Server Side Rendering Demo


Hello, 在SPA大行其道的今天,SEO一直存在比较严重的问题。大家都知道SSR是解决SEO的方向,我的理解也仅仅是:在服务器接收到访问的请求返回页面时,会把Component渲染成字符串塞到HTML中一同返回。但是,怎么实现呢?在research的时候,发现了Airbnb的一位工程师的文章--Server Rendering, Code Splitting, and Lazy Loading with React Router v4。这位前辈不仅实现了SSR,还与Code Splitting、Lazy Loading集合在了一起,这简直是非常的厉害了。在前辈的demo中,唯一缺失的地方是所有的数据都是mock的。在实际的App当中,所有的数据都是通过请求来获得,这部分数据的获取,也是SSR一个比较关键的点。这篇文章主要是是站在前辈的肩膀上,结合自己平常的项目结构的实践,实现完整的SSR的demo给大家一些借鉴。

我的这个demo也比较简单,一个app有两个子路由。其中Movie Component,是动态的获取的数据,调用豆瓣的api。在没有做SSR之前,加载组件的时候白屏至少200ms,查看网页源码也是空荡荡的,这样的页面爬虫怎么会喜欢呢……

React Router V4

无论是SSR还是Code Splitting,甚至是同时实现它们,你都需要在渲染之前就匹配到访问的路径。然而,React Router v4的路由已经不再是集中配置,而是分散在App当中。现在定义路由会像下面这样:

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Route path="/about" component={About}/>
      <Route path="/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>


Re-Centralizing Routes

为了解决分散的路由配置所带来的问题,我们可以采用 react-router-config。这可以让我们在一个集中的位置定义路由,并在触发初始渲染之前就匹配到它们。我们现在,可以像下面一样定义路由:

import Movie from './components/movie';
import About from './components/about'

const routes = [{
  path: '/',
  exact: true,
  component: Movie,
}, {
  path: '/about',
  component: About,

export default routes;


// ssrUtils.js
// This will recursively map our format of routes to the format
// that react-router-config expects
export default function convertCustomRouteConfig(routes, parentRoute) {
  return => {
    const pathResult = typeof route.path === 'function' ? route.path(parentRoute || '') : `${parentRoute}/${route.path}`;
    return {
      path: pathResult.replace('//', '/'),
      component: route.component,
      exact: route.exact,
      routes: route.routes ? convertCustomRouteConfig(route.routes, pathResult) : [],
  return mapping;


import Movie from './components/movie';
import About from './components/about'

import { convertCustomRouteConfig, } from './utils/ssrUtils';

const routes = [{
  path: parentRoute => `${parentRoute}/`,
  exact: true,
  component: Movie,
}, {
  path: parentRoute => `${parentRoute}/about`,
  component: About,

export default convertCustomRouteConfig(routes);

Defining an Async Route


 * Returns a new React component, ready to be instantiated.
 * Note the closure here protecting Component, and providing a unique
 * instance of Component to the static implementation of `load`.
export function generateAsyncRouteComponent({ loader, Placeholder }) {
  let Component = null;

  return class AsyncRouteComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
      this.updateState = this.updateState.bind(this);
      this.state = {

    componentWillMount() {

    updateState() {
      // Only update state if we don't already have a reference to the
      // component, this prevent unnecessary renders.
      if (this.state.Component !== Component) {

     * Static so that you can call load against an uninstantiated version of
     * this component. This should only be called one time outside of the
     * normal render path.
    static load() {
      return loader().then((ResolvedComponent) => {
        Component = ResolvedComponent.default || ResolvedComponent;

    render() {
      const { Component: ComponentFromState } = this.state;
      if (ComponentFromState) {
        return <ComponentFromState {...this.props} />;
      if (Placeholder) {
        return <Placeholder {...this.props} />;
      return null;


import Movie from './components/movie';
import About from './components/about'

import { convertCustomRouteConfig, generateAsyncRouteComponent, } from './utils/ssrUtils';

const routes = [{
  path: parentRoute => `${parentRoute}/`,
  exact: true,
  component: generateAsyncRouteComponent(() => import('./components/movie')),
}, {
  path: parentRoute => `${parentRoute}/about`,
  component: generateAsyncRouteComponent(() => import('./components/about')),

export default convertCustomRouteConfig(routes);

Ensuring the Routes are Ready


import routes from './routes';
import { matchRoutes } from 'react-router-config';

 * First match the routes via react-router-config's `matchRoutes` function.
 * Then iterate over all of the matched routes, if they've got a load function
 * call it.
 * This helps us to make sure all the async code is loaded before rendering.
export function ensureReady(routeConfig, providedLocation) {
  const matches = matchRoutes(routeConfig, providedLocation || location.pathname);
  return Promise.all( => {
    const { component } = match.route;
    if (component && component.load) {
      return component.load();
    return undefined;

Putting it all Together


React server side rendering tutorial


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