Allen3 / LexAnlyzer

A programmed implemented version of lexicon analyzer of compiling theory class.

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Lex Analyzer

This is a C++ lexicon analyzer implemented using Java. With a specified input file, it will analyze the lexicon stream and generate an output file named lex.xml with stream, symbols, and constants list inside of it.

How to use this:

  1. Compile(Please make sure you have installed JDK in your computer for compiling) cd LexAnlzer

    javac src/*.java

  2. Run(Please make sure you have installed JDK/JRE in your computer)

    java src/Analyzer input.cpp

    Replace input.cpp with your own specified input file name.


A programmed implemented version of lexicon analyzer of compiling theory class.


Language:Java 99.3%Language:C++ 0.7%