Alirezabg / kube-less-1

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Install minikube
minikube is an environment to run kubectl locally and test 

Install kubectl

start minikube
    minikube start
    minikube status

getting information about pods
    kubectl get pods
    kubectl get deployment
    kubectl get replicaset

debugging pods
    kubectl log [pod name]  

    check on the state of the ReplicaSet:
     kubectl describe [pod name]

    kubectl exec -it [pod's name e.g frontend-5f89j]  /bin/bash

replicaset vs deployment

        A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time.
         As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods.

        A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.
         However, a Deployment is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and provides declarative updates to Pods along with a lot of other useful features. 

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f

    checking the change will apply
    kubectl diff -f ...

configuration file has 3 parts
    status which is created by kubernetes, etcd record the configuration file 

kubectl get deployment nginx-depl -o yaml >> file Name

configMAP and Secret are to store env and credentials 
