In collaboration with the Geology department, we devloped a SQL relational database with a Python user interface to replace their Access database, using R for data migration. Users can view, add, delete, and update data based on their permissions. A big part of this project was designing a relational DB architecture that could handle the requirements to accomodate microbialite data. To run just intall the following python modukes -
- Install prettytable - pip install prettytable
- Install mysql-connector - pip install mysql-connector-python
- Finally navigate to the file and run it - python3 (replace oythin3 with your version of python and make sure it is in the PATH variable)
- Follow the prompts on the screen.
Additional info -
Microbialite is a rock structure formed by the growth and metabolism of microorganisms, primarily cyanobacteria, which trap and bind sediment particles or precipitate minerals through their metabolic activities. Microbialites are considered the earliest evidence of life on Earth and can be found in both marine and freshwater environments. They come in various shapes,forms and sizes with the potential to be oil reservoirs in addition to providing glimpses into the ecology and evironments of ancient life. This repository is part of an ongoing project to provide the Geology community with a centralized, user friendly platform to make the study and analyses of microbialites easier.