AliYousuf / poi

Apache POI builder

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Java Excel report Builder library

using POI.

An easy way to generate Excel reports.

  • Supports generation of xls and xlsx files
  • Fluent syntax
  • Refactoring friendly
  • Easy to read
  • Supports cascading styles (define default styles for your project, customize for a single report)
  • Used in production for > 2 years
  • Supports simple formulas for totals
  • Doesn't tolerate nulls, uses Optional instead



The easiest use of subtlelib: we display a collection of domain objects in an excel worksheet.

Source code

public class SimpleReportView {
    private final WorkbookContextFactory ctxFactory;

    public SimpleReportView(WorkbookContextFactory ctxFactory) {
        this.ctxFactory = ctxFactory;

    public WorkbookContext render(Collection<Payment> payments) {
        WorkbookContext workbookCtx = ctxFactory.createWorkbook();
        SheetContext sheetCtx = workbookCtx.createSheet("Payments");

        // heading
                .header("Payee bank").setColumnWidth(35);

        ColumnTotalsDataRange totalsData = sheetCtx.startColumnTotalsDataRangeFromNextRow();

        // data
        for (Payment payment : payments) {


        return workbookCtx;

public class SimpleReportController {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        SimpleReportView view = new SimpleReportView(WorkbookContextFactory.useXlsx());
        WorkbookContext workbook = view.render(new SimpleReportModel().getPayments());
        Files.write(workbook.toNativeBytes(), new File("simple_example.xls"));

Resulting file

Simple example

An example featuring optional and conditional elements

Source code

public class ConditionalReportView {
    private final WorkbookContextFactory ctxFactory;

    public ConditionalReportView(WorkbookContextFactory ctxFactory) {
        this.ctxFactory = ctxFactory;

    public WorkbookContext render(ConditionalReportModel model) {
        WorkbookContext workbookCtx = ctxFactory.createWorkbook();
        SheetContext sheetCtx = workbookCtx.createSheet("Books")

        // report heading
                .mergeCells(2).text("Authors report #")

        // columns heading
                .header("Last Activity").setColumnWidth(16)

        // data
        for (Author author: model.getBooksByAuthor().keySet()) {
                    .text(author.getContactNumber()) // contact number is Optional. If value is Absent, cell will be skipped
                    .header("# pages")
                    .conditionalCell(model.isEbooksIncluded()).header("Related E-book")
                    .header("Left in stock")

            for (Book book : model.getBooksByAuthor().get(author)) {
                        .text(book.getIsbn()); // ISBN is Optional. If value is Absent - cell will be skipped
        return workbookCtx;

Resulting file

Conditional example


Apache POI builder


Language:Java 100.0%