Asserts that an expression crashes by using Mach Exception Handler or POSIX Signal Handler.
On Apple Platforms except tvOS, it uses Mach Exception Handler.
On other Platforms like Linux or tvOS, it uses POSIX Signal Handler.
/// Asserts that an expression crashes.
/// - Parameters:
/// - expression: An `expression` that can crash.
/// - message: An optional description of the failure.
/// - file: The file in which failure occurred.
/// Defaults to the file name of the test case in which this function was called.
/// - line: The line number on which failure occurred.
/// Defaults to the line number on which this function was called.
/// - signalHandler: An optional handler for signal that are produced by `expression`.
/// `SIGILL`, `SIGABRT` or `0` (if `expression` did not crash)
/// - stdoutHandler: An optional handler for stdout that are produced by `expression`.
/// - stderrHandler: An optional handler for stderr that are produced by `expression`.
/// - skipIfBeingDebugged: Skip `expression` if process is being debugged.
/// Use `skipXCTAssertCrashIfIsBeingDebugged` as default.
/// - Returns: A value of type `T?`, the result of evaluating the given `expression`.
/// `nil` if `expression` crashed.
public func XCTAssertCrash<T>(
_ expression: @escaping @autoclosure () -> T,
_ message: @autoclosure () -> String = "",
file: StaticString = #file,
line: UInt = #line,
signalHandler: (Int32) -> Void = { _ in },
stdoutHandler: (String) -> Void = { _ in },
stderrHandler: (String) -> Void = { _ in },
skipIfBeingDebugged: Bool = skipXCTAssertCrashIfIsBeingDebugged
) -> T?
can not handle crashes caused byabort()
can not handle the breakpoint set in expression. On detecting a stop at a breakpoint set by the debugger,XCTAssertCrash
will catch the signal and stopp on crash beforeXCTAssertCrash
detects them.- So, if process is beingd debugged,
will skip evaluation the expression by default.
To avoid this behavior,- Set
or - Disable debug.
e.g. In Xcode, go to 'Edit Scheme > Test > Info' and uncheck 'Debug Executable'.
- Set
Norio Nomura
This package is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
- Partial functions in Swift, Part 2: Catching precondition failures by Matt Gallagher
- Friday Q&A 2013-01-11: Mach Exception Handlers by Landon Fuller
- Mac OS X and iOS Internals by Jonathan Levin
- The Darwin Kernel by Apple