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Hi 👋, I'm Ali Bigdeli

IOT and AI Developer

Ali Bigdeli is an IT professional with a degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. His passion for the intersection of AI and IoT has been the driving force behind his education, work, and development.

With over 5 years of programming experience and a strong background in networking and communications, Ali has played a pivotal role in many projects. His programming specialties include Python, C++/C, and Arduino.

In 2016, Ali founded ICC-ARIA, a team dedicated to teaching various specialties in the field of AI and IoT, with a particular focus on backend and framework designs such as Django. He has a unique ability to ideate and transform ideas into products, as well as reverse engineer existing products to uncover their underlying mechanisms.

Currently, Ali is upgrading his skills in microservices architecture and DevOps tools, such as Kubernetes and monitoring, to become a full-stack developer in the field of IoT. He is also learning ReactJS to create and develop dashboards, monitoring, and control panels for devices, which will allow him to contribute more effectively to IoT projects.

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thealibigdeli thealibigdeli thealibigdeli thealibigdeli

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Languages and Tools:

arduino bash bootstrap c chartjs cplusplus css3 django docker flask git heroku html5 javascript linux mongodb mssql nginx opencv postgresql postman python rabbitMQ redis selenium sqlite


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