AlexanderYovzhenko / Test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Test GitKraken

Program for encoding, decrypting text

Download the program to your computer and run it
The program can be run from the command line with the following command: node my_ciphering_cli -c "C1-C1-R0-A" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt"

Parameters that can be passed:

1 -c or --config and its value "C1-C1-R0-A" Required parameter
Value (encoding):
-valid ciphers: C1, C0, R1, R0, A
-C1 - encrypt Caesar (shift 1 forward)
-C0 - decrypt Caesar (shift 1 back)
-R1 - encrypt ROT-8 (shift 8 forward)
-R0 - decrypt ROT-8 (shift 8 back)
-A - Atbash cipher (encrypt and decrypt)
-ciphers should be separated -
-the length of the encoding can be any
-fonts can be placed in any order
-only Latin letters are encrypted / decrypted

2 -i or --input and its value "./input.txt" Optional parameter
If the parameter is not specified, then reading is carried out from the console
Value (input file):
-you can use a relative or full path to the file

3 -o or --output and its value "./output.txt" Optional parameter
If the parameter is not specified, then the recording is made to the console
Value (output file):
-you can use a relative or full path to the file

The parameters can be used in any order
Duplication of parameters is prohibited
