AlexanderWillner / imageoptim-alfred-workflow

ImageOptim Alfred Workflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alfred ImageOptim Workflow


ImageOptim removes bloated metadata. Saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.


To activate this workflow on one or multiple folders or files (JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG) you've a number of possibilities. After a few seconds the image(s) should be compressed.

  1. In Finder select your files/folders, invoke your hotkey for Universal Actions, then select Optimize Images. Invoke
  2. Or use a File Buffer by invoking your Alfred Hotkey, typing the keyword imageoptim, typing the name of a file/folder, select multiple files using ⌥ + Arrow up, and finally pressing enter. File Buffer


Please note that ImageOptim or related tools should be installed (e.g. via brew). Binaries that will be used (if installed):

  • JPEG: jpegtran, jpegoptim
  • GIF: gifsicle
  • SVG: svgcleaner
  • PNG: pngcrush, advpng, oxipng, pngquant, zopflipng, pngout

Installing the Workflow

  1. Simply download the last release
  2. Unzip the file on your computer
  3. Install imageoptim.alfredworkflow by double-clicking the workflow file and clicking on "Import".

You'll now see the workflow listed in the left sidebar of your Workflows preferences pane.

Command Line

$ ./bin/imageoptim workflow/icon.png
Optimizing workflow/icon.png with pngcrush...
Optimizing workflow/icon.png with advpng...
Optimizing workflow/icon.png with oxipng...
File already optimized
Optimizing workflow/icon.png with pngquant...
Optimizing workflow/icon.png with zopflipng...
Optimizing workflow/icon.png
Input size: 20875 (20K)
Result size: 20266 (19K). Percentage of original: 97.083%
Result is smaller

Optimizing workflow/icon.png with pngout...


To create a modified version of the workflow, edit the files and run make workflow to create an updated workflow.


This package has been inspired by ramiroaraujo's Image Optim Alfred Workflow.


ImageOptim Alfred Workflow

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 54.0%Language:Makefile 46.0%