AlexanderMann / elk-cci

One stop shop for everything E(lasticSearch)L(ogstash)K(ibana) for toying about with TCP inputs in CircleCI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CircleCI Circle Workflow Dockerhub

All the goodies necessary for testing/using ELK and TCP input in Circle CI.

See here for Spujadas's excellent github repo for this.

This container was built with (the now not so recommended) TCP input mechanism for Log4J and Timbre in mind.

Suggested Setup in docker-compose:

    image: mannimal/elk-cci
      - "5601:5601" # Kibana
      - "9200:9200" # Elasticsearch
      - "5044:5044" # Logstash input


If you want to customize things in this container, please please please use the original sebp/elk container!!! This conatiner is merely a convenience image and is not intended to be of much customization use.

Getting Started

If using docker-compose, follow the standard workflow of docker-compose up -d --build etc.

Once your container is up and running, send a few Log lines to it and follow the instructions below! Host and port using the above would be elk and 5044.


If you want to view the raw data kicking around in ElasticSearch, go http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty. This can be particularly useful for debugging where in the pipeline your messages are getting to, etc.


Open http://localhost:5601 to get to the dashboard.

You will be required to have sent some data to Logstash to output in order to use Kibana. As soon as you've gone this, you should be able to click the Create button underneath Configure an index pattern....

Add a Dashboard/Graph

You can now start exploring the values capture by Logstash in Kibana by creating a dashboard, and a graph, or simply going to Discover.

screen shot 2017-08-20 at 11 09 51


One stop shop for everything E(lasticSearch)L(ogstash)K(ibana) for toying about with TCP inputs in CircleCI