AlexanderMann / core.memoize

A manipulable, pluggable, memoization framework for Clojure

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


core.memoize is a Clojure contrib library providing the following features:

  • An underlying PluggableMemoization protocol that allows the use of customizable and swappable memoization caches that adhere to the synchronous CacheProtocol found in core.cache

  • Memoization builders for implementations of common caching strategies, including:

    • First-in-first-out (clojure.core.memoize/fifo)
    • Least-recently-used (clojure.core.memoize/lru)
    • Least-used (clojure.core.memoize/lu)
    • Time-to-live (clojure.core.memoize/ttl)
    • Naive cache (memo) that duplicates the functionality of Clojure's memoize function
  • Functions for manipulating the memoization cache of core.memoize backed functions

Releases and Dependency Information

Latest stable release: 0.7.1

Leiningen dependency information:

[org.clojure/core.memoize "0.7.1"]

Maven dependency information:


Example Usage

      (:require clojure.core.memoize))

    (def id (clojure.core.memoize/lu
	          #(do (Thread/sleep 5000) (identity %))
			  :lu/threshold 3))

    (id 42)
    ; ... waits 5 seconds
    ;=> 42

    (id 42)
    ; instantly
    ;=> 42

Refer to docstrings in the clojure.core.memoize namespace for more information.

Developer Information

Change Log

  • Release 0.7.1 on 2018.03.02
    • Fixes CMEMOIZE-15 - edge case where cache miss/lookup cross an eviction boundary (Ryan Fowler/Colin Jones)
    • Updated core.cache dependency version from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 (for TTLCacheQ bug fix)
  • Release 0.7.0 on 2018.03.01
    • Fixes CMEMOIZE-22 - add :clojure.core.memoize/args-fn metadata support for memoizing functions which have one or more arguments that should not contribute to the cache key for calls
    • Fixes CMEMOIZE-20 - add lazy-snapshot function
    • Fixes CMEMOIZE-18 - automatically makes seed map values deref-able to match documentation and comply with core.memoize's world view
    • Cleanup/improve/fix tests
    • Add multi-version testing locally via Leiningen
    • Jump to 0.7.0 to match core.cache since these two libraries are so closely in sync
  • Release 0.5.9 on 2016.03.28
    • Updated core.cache dependency version from 0.6.4 to 0.6.5
  • Release 0.5.8 on 2015.11.06
  • Release 0.5.7 on 2015.01.12
  • Release 0.5.6 on 2013.06.28
    • Added optional args to memo-clear!.
    • Widened contract on factory functions to accept any callable.
  • Release 0.5.5 on 2013.06.14
    • Deprecated memo-* APIs
    • Adds new API of form (cache-type function <base><:cache-type/threshold int>)
  • Release 0.5.4 on 2013.06.03
  • Release 0.5.3 on 2013.03.18
    • Works with core.cache v0.6.3
  • Release 0.5.2 on 2012.07.13
    • Works with core.cache v0.6.1
  • Release 0.5.1 on 2011.12.13
    • Removed SoftCache memoization
  • Release 0.5.0 on 2011.12.13
    • Rolled in basis of Unk

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and Michael Fogus, 2012, 2013. All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound bythe terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.


A manipulable, pluggable, memoization framework for Clojure


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