AlexRazor1337 / nest-events-api

RESTful API that deals with authentication, user management, events, and event attendance.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an Event Scheduling RESTful API that deals with authentication, user management, events, and event attendance.


  • Create and Manage Events: Easily create new events, update their details, and delete them as needed.

  • Event Attendees: Keep track of event attendees, manage their statuses, and handle participant information.

  • Search and Filter: Efficiently search and filter events based on various criteria such as date, category, location, etc.

  • GraphQL API: Utilize the power of GraphQL to fetch precisely the data you need, optimizing API performance.

Technologies Used

  • Nest.js: A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, scalable, and maintainable server-side applications.

  • TypeORM: An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) that simplifies database interactions with strong TypeScript support.

  • Postgres: A powerful relational database system known for its performance and reliability.

  • GraphQL: A query language for APIs that enables precise data retrieval and reduces over-fetching.

  • Apollo Server: A GraphQL server implementation that works seamlessly with Node.js and provides essential features for building GraphQL APIs.

  • Jest: A widely-used testing framework for JavaScript and TypeScript applications, ensuring code reliability through unit and integration tests.

  • Docker: A containerization platform that allows for easy deployment and scaling of applications.


Project is using pnpm as package manager, but you can use npm or yarn as well.

$ pnpm install

Running the app

  1. Host the Database.

You can host PostgreSQL for local development using Docker:

docker-compose up -d
  1. Fill dev.env file. Here is an example:
  1. Run the app.
# development
$ pnpm run start

# watch mode
$ pnpm run start:dev

# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ pnpm run test

# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov

API Endpoints

Here is the updated API routes documentation with descriptions:

Auth & Users


  • Method: POST
  • URL: {{URL}}/auth/login
  • Data:
        "username": "mister1",
        "password": "password"
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows users to authenticate by sending a POST request with their username and password. After successful authentication, the server responds with a JSON object containing a token.

Current User Profile

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/auth/profile
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to retrieve their own profile information.


  • Method: POST
  • URL: {{URL}}/users
  • Data:
        "username": "mister1",
        "password": "password",
        "retypedPassword": "password",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Terry2",
        "email": ""
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows users to register by sending a POST request with their desired username, password, first name, last name, and email.

Events Attendance

Event Attendees

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/events/:id/attendees
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows users to retrieve the list of attendees for a specific event with ID.

Attend Event

  • Method: PUT
  • URL: {{URL}}/current-user-event-attendance/:id
  • Data:
        "answer": 1
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to mark their attendance for a specific event with ID. Users can provide their response using the "answer" field in the request body.

Specific Event Attendance By Current User

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/current-user-event-attendance/:id
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to retrieve their attendance status for a specific event with ID.

All Events Attendance By Current User

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/current-user-event-attendance
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to retrieve their attendance status for all events.


Create Event

  • Method: POST
  • URL: {{URL}}/events
  • Data:
        "name": "Interesting Party",
        "description": "That is a crazy event, must go there!",
        "address": "Local St 101",
        "when": "2023-06-15 21:00:00"
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to create new events by sending a POST request with event details like name, description, address, and time.

Event List

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/events
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows authenticated users to retrieve a list of events.

Delete Event

  • Method: DELETE
  • URL: {{URL}}/events/:id
  • Requires Auth: Yes
  • Description: This endpoint allows users with appropriate permissions to delete an event with ID.

Events Organized By User

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/events-organized-by-user/:id
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of events organized by the user with ID.

Get Single Event

  • Method: GET
  • URL: {{URL}}/events/:id
  • Requires Auth: No
  • Description: This endpoint allows users to retrieve information about a specific event with ID.


RESTful API that deals with authentication, user management, events, and event attendance.


Language:TypeScript 98.5%Language:JavaScript 1.5%