AlexKaut / flipperzero-flipperphone-sim800l-v0.1

Diy sim800l GPIO module for FlipperZero. Easy build with "Iron Toner Transfer for PCB Making"

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FlipperZero - FlipperPhone module V0.1

FlipperPhone - diy SIM800l GPIO module for FlipperZero. All documentation for the SIM 800 l is in the folder.


Module assembly


The first thing to start with is the SIM800L power supply. According to the specification, the module is powered by a battery, requires a voltage of 3.4-4.4 volts and can consume up to 2 amperes of current during network search! With normal activity, it consumes 20mA and only 1ma during sleep

FlipperZero has a 5 volt 2 ampere line, so this is enough to power SIM800L. 5 volts are lowered to the required voltage using two series-connected diodes, thus, the power supply from 5 volts is organized for the blue version of the SIM800L, you can see two diodes in the upper right corner of PCB. Also, two capacitors need to be supplied along the power supply line of the GPRS module - an electrolytic 220uF and a ceramic 100n


Lowering the voltage using two diodes is a rather unstable solution. It is very important to select diodes based on current strength and voltage drop, but even this does not guarantee a stable output voltage

In this board, I limited myself to a solution with two diodes, since it takes up minimal space, and the printed circuit board is single-sided and designed for home production. I didn’t encounter any critical problems during the module tests, but it’s still important to remember this point. Write if you know convenient alternatives, please. The advanced version of the module will have a step-down stabilizer


The PCB and the schematic are drawn in the EasyEDA. The current PCB is designed for self-made production, therefore, the board is one-sided, I used the toner transfer method to make my own. Blue is the lower layer, we transfer it to the textolite


Use the following settings for the print file


The signature "GPRS" on the board will help not to confuse the side of the picture:

On paper, "GPRS" should be mirrored


And on the PCB, the inscription should be read correctly


FlipperPhone module control

Connection to FlipperZero

Put sim card in the SIM800L


Put the module in the FLipper's GPIO pins. Open "GPIO" settings and turn on "5V on GPIO". Red LED will start blinking - the module is ready

Open GPIO App "UART Terminal", choose 9600 baud rate - now you can control SIM800L with AT comands


AT comands

All commands can be viewed in the manual

List of useful commands:

AT+CPAS - module status: 0 - ready to work, 2 - unknown (command execution is not guaranteed), 
3 - incoming call, 4 - voice connection

AT+CSQ - signal quality: 0 -115 dBm or less, 1 - 111 dBm, 2-30 -110..-54 dBm, 31 -52 dBm or more,
99 -unknown or no signal.

AT+CCID - getting a SIM card number

ATD+phonenumber; - call to a phone number, example of a command "ATD+79876543210;". Don't forget to put ";"!






Radio mode

The SIM800L has the ability to work in radio mode, control is performed via AT commands, and sound is output to the speaker.

Warning! The Red PCB SIM800L module does not have a pin for connecting an FM antenna! I couldn't catch a legible radio signal without an antenna. But there are videos on the Internet where people manage to catch the radio without an antenna. So you can try to catch the radio using the specified AT commands - if there is only noise, you will have to shove the antenna, if the radio is working - cool, you are very lucky!

RU article about antenna connection - photos and instructions are taken from there



Radio AT comands

AT+FMOPEN=0 - turn radio mode ON
AT+FMVOLUME=6 - volume selection from 0 to 6
AT+FMSCAN - auto scan of the FM band
AT+FMFREQ=960 - radio frequency selection, range 875-1080, 10x frequency in MHz
AT+FMSIGNAL=960 - returns the signal strength at that frequency, but dips the audio
AT+FMCLOSE - turn radio mode OFF


Diy sim800l GPIO module for FlipperZero. Easy build with "Iron Toner Transfer for PCB Making"