AlexFloppy / laracmf

Laravel based CMF

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Laravel CMF

PHP >= 7+ Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Coverage Status License: AGPL v3 Dependency Status


PHP 7.0+, database server, and Composer are required.

  1. There is one ways of grabbing the code:
  • Use Git: git clone
  1. From a command line open in the folder, run composer install

If you want to use Homestead:

  • Run ./vendor/bin/homestead make
  • Than run vagrant up && vagrant ssh
  1. From project root (as usual you can get it by typing cd {project folder name}) under vagrant run bash ./

Custom database settings, socials credentials and another staff in .env configuration file. You will need to enter your mail server details into config/mail.php.

  • You can disable verification emails in config/credentials.php
  • Mail is still required for other functions like password resets and the contact form
  • You must set the contact email in config/contact.php
  • I'd recommend queuing email sending for greater performance (see below)

To launch site type in your browser address line

If you want launch site using specific domain look here.

  • You can install all manual, without using script if you needed

Manual install steps:

  1. Clone project git clone
  2. Install composer dependencies - composer install

If you want to use Homestead:

  • Run ./vendor/bin/homestead make
  • Than run vagrant up && vagrant ssh

From a command line open in the folder: 3. Copy config cp config/env/.env.vagrant .env 4. Generate app key php artisan key:generate 5. Generate jwt key php artisan jwt:secret 6. Than run npm install && gulp 7. After all run php artisan app:install

Admin credentials

Setting Up Queuing

In CMF uses Laravel's queue system to offload jobs such as sending emails so your users don't have to wait for these activities to complete before their pages load. By default, we're using the "sync" queue driver.

  1. Check out Laravel's documentation.
  2. Enter your queue server details into config/queue.php.

Setting Up Caching

CMF provides caching functionality, and when enabled, requires a caching server. Note that caching will not work with Laravel's file or database cache drivers.

  1. Choose your poison - I'd recommend Redis.
  2. Enter your cache server details into config/cache.php.
  3. Setting the driver to array will effectively disable caching if you don't want the overhead.

Setting Up Themes

CMF also ships with 18 themes, 16 from Bootswatch.

  1. You can set your theme in config/theme.php.
  2. You can also set your navbar style in config/theme.php.
  3. After making theme changes, you will have to run php artisan app:update.

Setting Up Google Analytics

CMF natively supports Google Analytics.

  1. Setup a web property on Google Analytics.
  2. Enter your tracking id into config/analytics.php.
  3. Enable Google Analytics in config/analytics.php.

Setting Up CloudFlare Analytics

CMF can read CloudFlare analytic data through a package.

  1. Follow the install instructions for my Laravel CloudFlare package.
  2. CMF will auto-detect the package, only allow admin access, and add links to the navigation bar.

Sign in and up with socials

For this needs we use Socialite package. We provide auth through github. However socialite package offer wide range of socials you can implement. Just follow steps from the doc.

Features in admin panel

  1. Users crud.
  2. Edit configuration from admin page.
  3. Categories crud.
  4. Comments management.
  5. Media crud.
  6. Pages crud.

Comments management

To enable comments approvement set COMMENTS_MODERATION variable to true in .env file.

Dynamic grid maker

To simplify this staff we wrapped Nayjest/Grids package. For advanced options look in package docs.

See demo.

Provided features:

  • Render fields;
  • Pagination;
  • Excel and CSV export;
  • Show/hide columns UI control;
  • Filtering;
  • Refresh;
  • Render field with filter;
  • Sorting;
  • Add callback for customizing field output;

Usage example.

In your template render method add following:

   $grid = new GridService(); 
   $user = new User();
   $gridComponent = $grid->generateGrid($user, ['first_name' => ['filter' => 'like'], 'last_name', 'email'], ['csv', 'exel', 'recordsPerPage', 'hider', 'refresher']);
   view('your_template',  compact('gridComponent'));

In template add following:

  {!! $gridComponent !!}

How to use:

Just render fields:

$grid->generateGrid($user, ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email']);

Render field with filter flow:


  • like;
  • eq;
  • n_eq;
  • gt;
  • lt;
  • ls_e;
  • gt_e;

$grid->generateGrid($user, ['first_name' => ['filter' => 'ls_e']);

It will generate input for providing filter options.

Set components:

Available components:

  • csv;
  • exel;
  • hider;
  • refresher;

$grid->generateGrid($user, ['first_name'], ['csv']);

Add callback:

   $callback = function ($val, ObjectDataRow $row) {
       if ($val) {
           return view('partials.names', ['user' =>  $row->getSrc()]);
   $grid->generateGrid($user, ['first_name' => ['callback' => $callback]);

Example above shows how callback option delegate rights for building first_name view to partial 'names'.


You can set items per page quantity $grid->setPageSize(4); and grid name $grid->setGridName('Grid name'). By default items per page quantity - 15, grid name - 'grid'.


Breadcrumbs feature provides by davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbspackage.

Here is an example how to generate breadcrumb:

    Breadcrumbs::register('account.register', function($breadcrumbs) {
       $breadcrumbs->push('Registration', route('account.register'));

In template add

{!! Breadcrumbs::renderIfExists() !!}

For advanced usage see docs.

Flash messages

To show flash message: flash('Message', 'info'); For more options look at this.


We override Mailer class for headers support. To provide headers in mails just add in .env file for MAIL_SMTP_HEADERS variable something like this:


Minify css and js files

For minifying css and js files we use gulp.

Dynamic crud maker

See here how to use package. It's already implemented. Just run commands in command line.

Admin panel

We use Adminlte.


Run in command line, from project root ./vendor/bin/phpunit



Laravel CMF Is A PHP CMF Powered By Laravel 5.3 And Sentinel based on Graham Campbell's Bootstrap CMS

Copyright (C) 2017 Nix Solutions

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Laravel based CMF

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 41.6%Language:JavaScript 29.8%Language:CSS 15.8%Language:HTML 12.6%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:ApacheConf 0.0%