AlexC-ux / EncryShare-Java

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Api documentation





Register a new profile

path: /api/reg.php


Parameter Values Description
act enum Set this parameter = reg
name string(70) Member's name whitch will be shown. 70 characters or less
login string(100) Member's login whitch needed for authorization. 100 characters or less
pswd_hash string(172) Password encrypted with RSA encryption key. 172 characters or less (password must be 117characters or less)

After successful registration, the server returns a JSON object with the api_key field in the response. {"api_key":"$2y$10$U9B5yRywbx3YCCO0d13kpOIfDG28tBD3uASqU.WW1BNqAr5fZ2YUi"}


Get profile's information

path: /api/reg.php


Parameter Values Description
act enum Set this parameter = login
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long

After successful authorization, the server returns a JSON object with the fields name, login, id {"0":"8","id":"8","1":"name","name":"name","2":"login","login":"login"}


Get RSA public key which is needed to encrypt the password

path: /api/reg.php


Parameter Values Description
act enum Set this parameter = pubkey

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the pubkey field in the response.

{"pubkey":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCZxskVfb8omSqhiRCC79T/R5+O\r\nYQwKWeFh58TxDu38RXRh59zPEvGYCk8PuA2gbpwSS/yUMGrUCPsC1nN1sM1ZaR4C\r\njOlPZZEnY59kJLnupr0AwnIJpIwcohjBJAisnu3HKZKjGvccMXsh6A/46Yq6xCzd\r\np140YOHjLlerDnIT9QIDAQAB\r\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"}

\r\n must be replaced by the line break character


Values Description
reg Used when registering a new member
login Used to retrieve the data of a registered member
pubkey Used to obtain the public RSA encryption key



Sending data to temporary server storage

path: /api/sData.php


Parameter Values Description
type enum This parameter will tell the recipient what data you are sending
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long
recepient string(70) Recepient's id
data Values Data to send

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the ErrorCode.



Receiving data from the temporary server storage

path: /api/rData.php


Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the ErrorCode



After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the type, recepient, senderId and message fields



Value Description
request JSON object with RSAopenKey (sender's personal open key) and senderId (sender's id) fields.
AES_data JSON object with senderId (sender's id), AES_IV and AES_key fields
data Encrypted (by aes) JSON object with senderId (sender's id) and data fields



Chat creating

path: /api/createChat.php

Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long
chat_name string(150) The name of the chat to be created

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the ErrorCode.



Getting information about chat

path: /api/getChatInfo.php

Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long
chat_id string(60) Id of the chat



Adding a member to the chat

path: /api/addMember.php

Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long
chat_id string(60) Id of the chat
member_id string(60) Id of the user to be added

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the ErrorCode.



Removing a member from the chat

Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long
chat_id string(60) Id of the chat
member_id string(60) Id of the user to be added
remove string(60) Parameter without value

After a request, the server returns a JSON object with the ErrorCode.



Obtaining a list of user chats

path: /api/getChats.php

Parameter Values Description
api_key string(60) Api key which you can get after registration 60 characters long



Error code Description
0 Successfully (not error)
-1 Unknown Error
11 Appears when trying to log on with an invalid password
12 Appears when trying to log on with an invalid login
17 Appears when trying to register a new member in case the name is already taken
18 Appears when trying to use nonexistent member_id
30 Error during chat creation
31 Appears when attempting a query with an invalid api key
404 Appears in response to an incorrectly sent request.



Language:Java 100.0%