Welcome to Typesense-CLI;
Typesnese cli is a node js application that aims to improve the back-end management of your self-hosted typesense server. It utilizes the typesense-js client library to achieve its functionality.
Getting Started
clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/AlexBV117/typesense-cli.git
then run:
npm run typesense-cli
This will install dependencies and do the initialization
If you want to be able to call the cli from anywhere using typesense
you will need to add typesense to your path. Otherwise, you will have to use ./bin/typesense
in the typesense-cli directory.
Or you can use
npm link
However, this often needs to be run as sudo
List of Commands:
--help, -h: prints the help message
--index, -i: Indexes documents into a collection. Can index to multiple collections with multiple data sets at a time
--append -a: Indexes documents into a collection. However unlike --index it does not clear the preexisting collections
--schemas, -s: returns out the list of defined schemas in ~/.typesense-cli/schemas.json file
--version, -v: returns the version of typesense-cli that you are running
--server, n/a: allows you to update the server node that the cli will use
--collections, -c: returns the collections on the server
--key, -k: returns the active Api keys
--new, -n: append to either --keys to create a new api keys
--remove, -r: append to either --keys or --collections and will remove all keys or collections passed
Command Examples:
typesense --index= '[{ "collection":"col1", "data":["example/path/to/data1.json", "example/path/data2.json"] }, { "collection":"col2", "data":["example/path/to/data3.json"] }]'
Running this command will index data sets 1&2 into collection1 and data3 int collection2. It is important to note that everything between the '' must be valid json. The current operation of the --index command will clear all previously indexed documents in that collection. --append will be added later allowing you to add new documents without deleting ones currently indexed in the collection. The make sure that the collection has a defined schema of the same name in ~/.typesense-cli/schemas.json.
typesense --keys -r "1 3 10"
Running this command will remove the Api keys with id 1, 3, and 10.
typesense --keys -n {"description": "admin key", "actions": ["*"], "collections": ["*"]}
Running this command will create a new admin Api key. See Typesense Docs for more info on creating api keys NOTE: this command will return the full key to you at this point only so make a note of it somewhere.
typesense --collections -r "automatic col1 col2"
Running this command will delete the collections listed
Other important info
On startup a new hidden folder is created in your home directory .typesense-cli. This directory contains the config file as well as a place to define your schemas. By default, the cli chunks the data sets provided into chunks of 10,000 documents to index at a time. Increasing the chunk size may cause instabilities. Finally, there is a data file located in .typesense-cli that you can use to store your documents if you wish to.