AlessioG / PoC-Sling-JMS

Sling JMS is a set of bundles integrating JMS message queue with Sling web framework.

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Sling JMS

Sling JMS is a set of bundles integrating JMS message queue with Sling web framework. It consists of sling-jms-api bundle, default implementation based on ActiveMQ and sample applications.

Besides this README, you might be interested in the presentation on SlideShare.


Please notice that code shared here is only PoC created for adaptTo() 2013 conference and shouldn't be treated as production-ready software.



API provides useful mechanisms for integrating JMS MQ with Sling. The basic part is JmsConnectionProvider, an interface providing javax.jms.Connection to any OSGi component. Example usage:

public class MyComponent {

	private JmsConnectionProvider connectionProvider;
	private javax.jms.Connection connection;
	protected void activate() throws JMSException {
		connection = connectionProvider.getConnection();
	protected void deactivate() throws JMSException {

MessageListener OSGi service

In order to create message consumer, you can simply create an OSGi service implementing javax.jms.MessageListener interface and add consumer configuration using SCR properties. Consumer will be created automatically. Example service:

	@Property(name = MessageConsumerProperties.CONSUMER_SUBJECT, value = "myTopic"),
	@Property(name = MessageConsumerProperties.CONSUMER_TYPE, value = JmsConstants.TYPE_TOPIC) })
public class MyListener implements MessageListener {

	public void onMessage(Message msg) {

Listeners can also filter received messages by their JMS properties. Use MessageConsumerProperties.FILTER configuration property and LDAP filter syntax. Eg.:

@Property(name = MessageConsumerProperties.FILTER, value = "(action=REFRESH_TOPOLOGY)")

will match following message:

Message msg = session.createMessage();
msg.setStringProperty("action", "REFRESH_TOPOLOGY");


Reading object messages in OSGi container can be tricky, as the JMS client lives in different bundle than the serialized class. Methods in this util switches thread class loader for the moment of deserializing JMS object message.

Message msg = (ObjectMessage) consumer.receive();
MyCustomClass obj = ObjectMessageUtils.getObject(msg, MyCustomClass.class);


MyCustomClass obj = (MyCustomClass) ObjectMessageUtils.getObjectInContext(msg, OtherClassFromTheSameBundle.class);


BlobMessageProvider allows to create blob messages - messages used for sending JCR large binary properties between instances using HTTP:

private BlobMessageProvider blobMessageProvider;

private void send() {
	Message msg = blobMessageProvider.createBlobMessage(session,

private void recv() {
	Message msg = consumer.receive();
	InputStream is = blobMessageProvider.getInputStream(msg);

Default, ActiveMQ-based implementation uses BlobMessage. In this case input stream may be received as follows:

private void recvUsingActiveMq() {
	BlobMessage msg = (BlobMessage) consumer.receive();
	InputStream is = msg.getInputStream();


This bundle is an extension to maven-scr-plugin. It adds support for @SlingMessageConsumer annotation which allows to replace following @Property-based configuration:

	@Property(name = MessageConsumerProperties.CONSUMER_SUBJECT, value = "myTopic"),
	@Property(name = MessageConsumerProperties.CONSUMER_TYPE, value = JmsConstants.TYPE_TOPIC) })
public class MyListener implements MessageListener {

with this one-liner:

@SlingMessageConsumer(destinationType = DestinationType.TOPIC, subject = "myTopic")
public class MyListener implements MessageListener {

It'll automatically create @Component, @Service and all necessary @Properties. All you need to do is to add following dependency to your pom.xml:



This bundle contains embedded ActiveMQ library and all necessary dependencies. It exports org.apache.activemq.* package, so it's a convenient way to provide ActiveMQ to your Sling-based application.


It is an ActiveMQ-based implementation of sling-jms-api. Besides implementing all services described above, it contains ActiveMQEmbeddedBroker component which may be used to launch embedded broker inside the Sling JVM. The only required configuration is a broker URI.


It's a JMS implementation of Sling Discovery API. HeartBeat component sends an update every 30 seconds (it can be configured). JmsDiscoveryService receives these updates and maintains topology model.

If the created model lacks of leader for some cluster, there is election process performed.

  • WHO_IS_LEADER request is sent,
  • component waits 10 seconds for I_AM_LEADER message,
    • if someone sends it, the election will be over,
  • if there is still no leader, ELECTION request is sent,
  • all instances in given cluster have 5 seconds to send VOTEs with their own Sling instanceId,
  • after that, instance with the smallest instanceId sends I_AM_LEADER message.

The whole process is performed in the cluster scope.


Bundle provides sharing HTTP session feature based on JMS.

Besides the ordinary JSESSIONID each user gets custom JSESSIONID_SHARED cookie. This cookie consists of two concatenated UUIDs: INSTANCE_ID and SHARED_SESSION_ID. Each modification of the HttpSession is mapped to the current SharedSession (got from the SharedSessionStorage using it's id) and broadcasted to all instances. The component responsible for this logic is SharedSessionFilter.

When SharedSessionFilter notices that INSTANCE_ID from the cookie isn't the current instance id (eg. instance has been changed by the loadbalancer), content of the SharedSession is copied back to the HttpSession.

Please notice that all objects put into the HttpSession has to implement Serializable interface as they are transfered between instances. Classes should be also exported from bundles, so sling-jms-session can access them.


This bundle enhances Adobe CQ reverse-replication mechanism. In the out-of-the-box installation author instance pings the publish every 30 seconds asking for the content to be reverse-replicated. In the worst case users has to wait these 30 seconds before their content got replicated. With JMS publish instance can inform the author when the reverse-replication should happen. Bundle consists of two services:

  • OutboxEventHandler waits for events related to the reverse-replication outbox and send POLL message to the author whenever there is some new user-generated content,
  • ReplicationAgentInvoker works on the author and invokes reverse-replication process every time it gets POLL message form the author.

The first service can be configured to send POLL message to instances with specified run mode (author by default) and to invoke agents with specific id (publish_reverse). It is recommended to disable default reverse-replication process by stopping OSGi component.


Example usage of shared session and Sling blob transfer.


Waiting for the message:

curl localhost:4503/bin/cognifide/blob.txt/recv

Sending message (in other terminal window):

curl localhost:4504/bin/cognifide/blob.txt/send


Display current session:

curl localhost:4503/bin/cognifide/session.txt

Add random value to the current session

curl localhost:4503/bin/cognifide/session.txt/add


Display current topology:

curl localhost:4502/bin/jms/discovery/info.txt


Sling JMS is a set of bundles integrating JMS message queue with Sling web framework.


Language:Java 100.0%