Alessandro-Massarotti-Jr / nlw-return-impulse

projeto desenvolvido durante a NLW Return em maio de 2022


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Next Level Week Return

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Projeto desenvolvido durante a Next Level Week Return de 05/2022




Run npm install to install project dependenies

Run npm run dev to start development server

links uteis

comandos utilizados

  • npm create vite@latest
  • npx tailwindcss init -p
  • npm install -D @tailwindcss/forms
  • npm install --save-dev tailwind-scrollbar
  • npm install phosphor-react
  • npm install @headlessui/react
  • npm install html2canvas



Run npm install to install project dependenies

Run npm run dev to start development server

links uteis

comandos utilizados

  • npm init -y
  • npm i typescript @types/node ts-node-dev -O
  • npx tsc --init
  • npx tsc
  • npm i express
  • npm i -D @types/express
  • npm install html2canvas
  • npm i prisma -D
  • npm i @prisma/client
  • npx prisma init
  • npx prisma migrate dev
  • npx prisma migrate deploy
  • npx prisma studio
  • npm install nodemailer
  • npm install @types/nodemailer
  • npm install jest -D
  • npx jest --init
  • npm install ts-node -D
  • npm i @types/jest -D
  • npm i -D jest @swc/jest
  • npm i cors
  • npm i @types/ cors -D



Run npm install to install project dependenies

Run expo start to start development server

links uteis

comandos utilizados

  • expo init mobile
  • npm install -g expo-cli
  • expo install expo-font @expo-google-fonts/inter
  • expo install expo-app-loading
  • npm install --save phosphor-react-native
  • expo install react-native-svg
  • npm install react-native-iphone-x-helper
  • expo install @gorhom/bottom-sheet@^4
  • expo install react-native-reanimated
  • expo install react-native-gesture-handler
  • expo install react-native-view-shot
  • npm install axios
  • expo install expo-file-system

Desenvolvido Por Alessandro Massarotti Jr 🤖


projeto desenvolvido durante a NLW Return em maio de 2022


Language:TypeScript 58.5%Language:HTML 19.7%Language:JavaScript 13.8%Language:CSS 8.1%