AlekseyPleshkov / CleanSwift

Examples and templates for iOS architecture Clean Swift

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🧬 CleanSwift

Examples and templates for iOS architecture Clean Swift

Clean Swift Scheme

🗄 Examples

  • Router. Example of work with Routers (Old segue version).
  • Worker. Example of work with Workers and Routers.
  • Unit Tests. Example of write tests for scene.

📦 Templates

Template for creating new scene with View (SnapKit), ViewController, Interactor, Presenter, Models, Router, Worker and scene Builder.

Template for creating new scene with Storyboard, ViewController, Interactor, Presenter, Models, Router and Worker.

Template for creating new scene with Xib, ViewController, Interactor, Presenter, Models, Router, Worker and scene Builder.

Template for creating tests files for exists scene.


  1. Open path ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File Templates.
  2. Copy folders from XCodeTemplates to File Templates.
  3. Restart XCode.


Examples and templates for iOS architecture Clean Swift