Alcarohtar / TelegramCalendar

It is possible to create a personal calendar on Telegram bot

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Telegram_Calendar is a script that use a python-telegram-bot library to communicate wih the server and the mariadb library to store data in SQL database. It allows to store/remove event on calendar database and show them with te right command.

What do you need?

    • Install with pip3 the appropriate libraries: python-telegram-bot, reponses
    • Install with apt mariadb-server
    • Check mariadb-server is in status "running" : sudo systemctl status mariadb.service
    • Log in mariadb database: sudo mariadb -u root -p
    • Create a new user with the command: CREATE USER 'user'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
    • Select your new user with the command: SELECT user FROM mysql.user;
    • Give privileges to your new user with the command: GRANT ALL PRVILEGES ON . TO 'user'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
    • Exit from mariadb with command quit and enter again with new user: sudo mariadb -u user -p (where user is the one chosen before)
    • Create new Database with command: CREATE DATABASE databasename;
    • Use that new database: USE databasename;
    • Create new table with the command:
      CREATE TABLE calendario_famiglia (
      data date NOT NULL,
      descrizione varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
      ora_inizio time,
      ora_fine time
    • I created a table named "calendario_famiglia". If you want to use another name for you table you need to modify file and substitute all calendario_famiglia occurences with your table name.
      Same for all field of table (id, data, descrizione, ora_inizio, ora_fine). If you need to change those name you have to modify the file. Those name have no impact on what you are going to read on telegram, they have impact only on code
    • Modify all fields in with your personal information
    • Go on Telegram app, check BotFather and create a new bot with command /newbot The reply message will contain a TOKEN you have to use in your script

How to modify

user = "" (Insert the name of new user created on point 4)
password = "" (Insert the password for your user created on point 4)
host = "" (Insert "localhost")
port = "" (Insert "3306")
database = "" (Insert the name of database created on point 8)
user = "" (Insert name and surname of user enable to access to that database)
(For example if you want to use that bot and share it to your wife, you have to add
user1=[(youName,yourSurname)] and user2=[(yourWifeName, yourWifeSurname)])
Modify users variable in if you want to add other users
chat_id = "" (Insert the chat_id of your bot. You can find it on telegram app using @userinfobot)

All files have to be in same directory

File Explanation

  • contains all function to manage the database.
  • contains the main function to handle in an infinite loop the telegram receiving message.
  • contains all personal information of database and enable users on telegram.


On telegram bot you can use these commands:

  • show: it returns the entire table with all events saved
  • A: means "add". To add the event you have to write in telegram A date .description. time_start time_end (Ex: A 22-12-2022 .buy something. 13:00 14:00) I used for date the format %d-%m-%Y, You can change it in file. Remember to use dot to enclose the description Time start and time end are optional
  • R: means "remove". To remove an instance from calendar you can write R id (EX: R 5). You can also write more than one event to remove (EX: R 2 5 19) It is possible to remove all calendar with R all command
  • On last commit there is a new functionality. Every morning at 7:45 a notification is sent if an Expired or Expired_Today event is found

Please let me know if something is not clear, if some bugs happen or if you think it could be improved
It has been tested on linux os and MacOs. New tests on will be done soon.


It is possible to create a personal calendar on Telegram bot


Language:Python 100.0%