Albatrosicks / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Set zsh as your login shell:

chsh -s $(which zsh)


Clone onto your laptop:

git clone ~/dotfiles

Install rcm:

brew install rcm

Install the dotfiles:

env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup

After the initial installation, you can run rcup without the one-time variable RCRC being set (rcup will symlink the repo's rcrc to ~/.rcrc for future runs of rcup). See example.

This command will create symlinks for config files in your home directory. Setting the RCRC environment variable tells rcup to use standard configuration options:

  • Exclude the, and LICENSE files, which are part of the dotfiles repository but do not need to be symlinked in.
  • Give precedence to personal overrides which by default are placed in ~/dotfiles-local
  • Please configure the rcrc file if you'd like to make personal overrides in a different directory


From time to time you should pull down any updates to these dotfiles, and run


to link any new files and install new vim plugins. Note You must run rcup after pulling to ensure that all files in plugins are properly installed, but you can safely run rcup multiple times so update early and update often!

Make your own customizations

Create a directory for your personal customizations:

mkdir ~/dotfiles-local

Put your customizations in ~/dotfiles-local appended with .local:

  • ~/dotfiles-local/aliases.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/git_template.local/*
  • ~/dotfiles-local/gitconfig.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/psqlrc.local (we supply a blank .psqlrc.local to prevent psql from throwing an error, but you should overwrite the file with your own copy)
  • ~/dotfiles-local/tmux.conf.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/vimrc.bundles.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local
  • ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/*

For example, your ~/dotfiles-local/aliases.local might look like this:

# Productivity
alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo'

Your ~/dotfiles-local/gitconfig.local might look like this:

  l = log --pretty=colored
  colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset
  name = Dan Croak
  email =

To extend your git hooks, create executable scripts in ~/dotfiles-local/git_template.local/hooks/* files.

Your ~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local might look like this:

# load pyenv if available
if which pyenv &>/dev/null ; then
  eval "$(pyenv init -)"

zsh Configurations

Additional zsh configuration can go under the ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs directory. This has two special subdirectories: pre for files that must be loaded first, and post for files that must be loaded last.

For example, ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/pre/virtualenv makes use of various shell features which may be affected by your settings, so load it first:

# Load the virtualenv wrapper
. /usr/local/bin/

Setting a key binding can happen in ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/keys:

# Grep anywhere with ^G
bindkey -s '^G' ' | grep '

Some changes, like chpwd, must happen in ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs/post/chpwd:

# Show the entries in a directory whenever you cd in
function chpwd {

This directory is handy for combining dotfiles from multiple teams; one team can add the virtualenv file, another keys, and a third chpwd.

The ~/dotfiles-local/zshrc.local is loaded after ~/dotfiles-local/zsh/configs.

What's in it?

  • fzf for fuzzy file/buffer/tag finding.
  • Set <leader> to a single space.
  • Switch between the last two files with space-space.
  • Syntax highlighting for Markdown, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, Elixir, more.
  • Use Ag instead of Grep when available.
  • Map <leader>ct to re-index ctags.

git configuration:

  • Adds a co-upstream-pr $PR_NUMBER $LOCAL_BRANCH_NAME subcommand to checkout remote upstream branch into a local branch.
  • Adds a create-branch alias to create feature branches.
  • Adds a delete-branch alias to delete feature branches.
  • Adds a merge-branch alias to merge feature branches into master.
  • Adds an up alias to fetch and rebase origin/master into the feature branch. Use git up -i for interactive rebases.
  • Adds post-{checkout,commit,merge} hooks to re-index your ctags.
  • Adds pre-commit and prepare-commit-msg stubs that delegate to your local config.
  • Adds trust-bin alias to append a project's bin/ directory to $PATH.

Shell aliases and scripts:

  • ... for quicker navigation to the parent's parent directory.
  • g with no arguments is git status and with arguments acts like git.
  • mcd to make a directory and change into it.
  • replace foo bar **/*.rb to find and replace within a given list of files.
  • v for $VISUAL.
  • path for pretty print ``$PATH`
  • docker use finch instead of docker
  • forget to remove last history entry
  • lg shortcut for lazygit
  • intel to run app with Rosetta
  • btop shortcut to bpytop



Language:Shell 80.5%Language:Ruby 11.1%Language:C 7.9%Language:AppleScript 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.1%