Alanaktion / myTunes

An iTunes web server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An iTunes web server

This requires a web server running PHP 5.3 or later, and iTunes.

To install, copy config-sample.php to config.php and change the path in the file to your iTunes library XML/Property List file.

Both UI styles are currently unfinished, but do mostly work, even if they don't look quite right yet.

iTunes UI: iTunes UI

Bootstrap UI: Bootstrap UI

Though it is technically compatible with all modern browsers and any browser with Flash support, the browser that supports most common media formats seen in an iTunes library is Google Chrome, so this is what I'm recommending to use this program.


An iTunes web server


Language:JavaScript 69.2%Language:PHP 24.1%Language:CSS 6.7%