AlanLuSun / Awesome-Object-Shadow-Generation

A curated list of papers, code, and resources pertaining to object shadow generation.

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Awesome Object Shadow Generation Awesome

A curated list of resources including papers, datasets, and relevant links pertaining to object shadow generation, which aims to generate plausible shadow for the inserted foreground object in a composite image.


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Table of Contents


Supervised deep learning methods

  • Yan Hong, Li Niu, Jianfu Zhang: "Shadow Generation for Composite Image in Real-world Scenes." AAAI (2022) [arXiv] [dataset]
  • Daquan Liu, Chengjiang Long, Hongpan Zhang, Hanning Yu, Xinzhi Dong, Chunxia Xiao: "ARshadowGAN: Shadow generative adversarial network for augmented reality in single light scenes." CVPR (2020) [pdf] [code]
  • Shuyang Zhang, Runze Liang, Miao Wang: "ShadowGAN: Shadow synthesis for virtual objects with conditional adversarial networks." Computational Visual Media (2019) [pdf]

Unsupervised deep learning methods

  • Fangneng Zhan, Shijian Lu, Changgong Zhang, Feiying Ma, Xuansong Xie: "Adversarial Image Composition with Auxiliary Illumination." ACCV (2020) [pdf]

Traditional methods

  • Bin Liao, Yao Zhu, Chao Liang, Fei Luo, Chunxia Xiao: "Illumination animating and editing in a single picture using scene structure estimation." Computers & Graphics (2019) [pdf]

  • Bin Liu, Kun Xu, Ralph R. Martin: "Static scene illumination estimation from videos with applications." Journal of Computer Science and Technology (2017) [pdf]

  • Kevin Karsch, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Sunil Hadap, Nathan Carr, Hailin Jin, Rafael Fonte, Michael Sittig, David Forsyth: "Automatic scene inference for 3d object compositing." ACM Transactions on Graphics (2014) [arXiv]

  • Kevin Karsch, Varsha Hedau, David Forsyth, Derek Hoiem: "Rendering synthetic objects into legacy photographs." ACM Transactions on Graphics (2011) [arXiv]


  • Shadow-AR: It contains 3,000 quintuples, Each quintuple consists of 5 images 640×480 resolution: a synthetic image without the virtual object shadow and its corresponding image containing the virtual object shadow, a mask of the virtual object, a labeled real-world shadow matting and its corresponding labeled occluder. [pdf] [link]
  • DESOBA: It contains 840 training images with totally 2,999 object-shadow pairs and 160 test images with totally 624 object-shadow pairs. [pdf] [link]

Other Resources


A curated list of papers, code, and resources pertaining to object shadow generation.