AlanKavanagh / ngrampy

Tools in python for dealing with Google Books Ngram files and other similar data sets.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ngrampy is a python class for manipulating google (or similarly formatted) n-gram data. It provides a python class for very basic table manipulations such that operations on tables are mimiced by operations on the hard drive, with huge n-gram files that cannot be read into RAM. This takes a lot of hard drive time, but can handle arbitrary file sizes (5~20gb is typical). This is *not* optimized for speed, since these things take a long time anyways and are typically run once. 

Usually, it makes more sense to process the google files once, concatinging and collapsing by some dates into a large file with all the ngrams (since this may take a few days). For this, the script is fastest (much faster than LineFile). In collapsing dates, it makes a much smaller file (~10GB for eng-us 2grams)
	gzip -dc /home/piantado/Desktop/GoogleBooks/eng-us-all/2/* | python /tmp/G-eng-us-all
	Or, unpigz is about 2x as fast as gzip on my computer (it multithreads fetching, file io, etc.)

This perl script does not do any fancy filtering of the ngrams.

To download data from google, you can use

NOTE: In general, you should use this library with 
   export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8
so that you can handle utf-8 characters from google. 

NOTE: This splits columns in the text files by whitespace; if you want something else, you should merge with underscores or something

NOTE: The pypy tends to run much faster than python for this!


ngrampy is licensed under GPL 3.0


Put this library somewhere--mine lives in /home/piantado/mit/Libraries/ngrampy/
Set the PYTHONPATH environment variable to point to ngrampy/:
	export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Libraries/ngrampy
You can put this into your .bashrc file to make it loaded automatically when you open a terminal. On ubuntu and most linux, this is:
	echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Libraries/ngrampy' >> ~/.bashrc

You can also do
        echo 'export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8' >> ~/.bashrc
although this will change your default python encoding. 
And you should be ready to use the library


Tools in python for dealing with Google Books Ngram files and other similar data sets.