Alalalalaki / learn_R


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

R learning materials


R for Data Science *****

Advanced R ***

Technical Foundations of Informatics ****

政治学方法論 I ****

To R from Stata: An Introduction

Data Visualization A practical introduction***


A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R *

ggplot2 Elegant graphics for data analysis *

Exploratory Data Analysis with R / R Programming for Data Science

YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R / An Introduction to Statistical and Data Sciences via R

Blogs in Japanese

[R] 回帰分析で適切な方法を使わないとどうなるか (時系列編) ***blog

グラフ描画ggplot2の辞書的まとめ20のコード ***blog

RStan 多項ロジスティックモデルで μ's とAqours の人気の差を調べる ***blog

ビジネス実務の現場で有用な統計学・機械学習・データマイニング及びその他のデータ分析手法10+2選(2016年版) / 実務の現場に多い時系列データ分析の際に注意しておきたい点を列挙してみる ***blog


ggplot2 2.3.0(RC版)を使ってみた ***blog

R Markdown入門はじめに ***notes

useR! 2018 メモ (1) Tutorial



from Data to Viz **

Rgraphics **

DataWranglingggplot Gallery

Learn to visualize your data like an expert with these practical how-tos for presentation, analysis, and understanding

ggplot2再入門 / 痒い所に手が届く、ggplot2作図の技


Introductory Econometrics Examples

r-econometrics *

Advanced Statistical Computing **

Time Series Analysis in R Part 1: The Time Series Object

Nonlinear Gmm with R - Example with a logistic regression

Exploring interactions with continuous predictors in regression models

p-values and the likelihood ratio test

A short course on nonparametric curve estimation

Topics in Econometrics: Advances in Causality and Foundations of Machine Learning



dygraphs: provides rich facilities for charting time-series data

janitor: simple functions for examining and cleaning dirty data

Introduction to summarytools

panelView: Visualizing Panel Data with Dichotomous Treatments + gsynth: Generalized Synthetic Control Method

R markdown

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

R bookdownplus Textbook

blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown

Create Awesome LaTeX Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra / Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra


RSTUDIOアドイン 10選


Easy sample data available in R packages (and related)

Text Mining with R

Quantatitive Social Science: The R Tidyverse Code

learn R by Python

Rユーザー向け Pythonデータ処理入門

Python と R の違い・関数の対応表

Some slides

Welcome to the tidyverse

Some materials in chinese

R入门笔记(1)——基本操作总览(1)2 3 4 5 6


R语言:常用函数(9.29 更新版)

R语言 apply函数家族详解


如何高效地学好 R? 该如何学习 R 语言

R Markdown Notebook 与 Jupyter / IPython Notebook knitr 与可重复的统计研究(花絮篇)

Markdown + R 可以替代 LaTeX 完成论文写作吗?

原 深入对比数据科学工具箱:Python和R 非结构化数据的结构化 / [原]深入对比数据科学工具箱:Python和R之争[2016版] / [原]深入对比数据科学工具箱:Python和R 的 Web 编辑器 / R 和 Python (numpy scipy pandas) 用于统计学分析,哪个更好? / Python和R:学哪个好?

R语言数据分析与可视化 **

Use ggplot2blog


