AlTimofeyev / pypalex

Python Palette Extractor is a tool for extracting color palettes from images and generating a JSON format file with normal, light, and dark color palettes/schemes.

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Python Palette Extractor

Package Example with Background Image by tsujin_bohboh on Twitter

PyPalEx is a tool for extracting color palettes from images and generating a JSON format file with light and dark color themes. This tool is intended to be OS independent, for use by the tech community for developing their own custom theme managers or by artists who want to extract color palettes for their art from images, pictures or wallpapers they adore.



[Wiki Homepage] [Palette Examples Archive] [Codebase Documentation]


Aside from Python, the rest are Python packages that are installable with pip.

  • Python 3.6+
  • Pillow (PIL) 9.0+
    • For performing operations on images.
  • NumPy 1.21+
    • To manage large amounts of image data.
  • filetype 1.0+
    • To confirm filetypes are images file types.


There are two optional environement variables that can be set by the user:


By default, PyPalEx will try to store extracted color palettes into one of three locations:

  • $HOME/.config/palex

By default, PyPalEx will try to save extracted color palettes wherever PYPALEX_CONFIG_DIR points to in the user's system. If the user does not set the PYPALEX_CONFIG_DIR environment variable, then PyPalEx will default to saving extracted color palettes wherever XDG_CONFIG_HOME/palex points to in the user's system. And if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set, then PyPalEx will default to saving extracted color palettes into $HOME/.config/palex.
This default output location is, of course, overriden if PyPalEx is used with the -o --output option.



System-wide install (sudo)

pip3 install pypalex

User install (No sudo)

pip3 install --user pypalex

# Add local 'pip' to PATH:
# (In your .bashrc, .zshrc etc)
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin/"


git clone
cd pypalex
pip3 install --user .

# Add local 'pip' to PATH:
# (In your .bashrc, .zshrc etc)
export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin/"



  • PyPalEx can only work on images that are in the RBG color space, so any images that you supply to PyPalEx that are not already in RGB will automatically be converted into RGB color space before the extraction process begins.
  • PyPalEx takes about ~5 seconds on average to process an image and extract color palettes.
  • When using PyPalEx on a directory of images, you can calculate the time it takes to process all the images by multiplying the number of images by 5 seconds.
    • Example: You have a directory of 20 images. So the time it will take to process all the images is
      20 x 5 = ~100 seconds

Some images may take 2-3 seconds to be processed while other images may take 4-5 seconds to be processed. But the average wait time for an image to be processed and for color palettes to be extracted is about ~5 seconds.


  • -f --files
    • Specify the absolute file path(s).
    • If used with -p --path option, you only need to specify the relative file path(s).
  • -p --path
    • Specify the path from where to use images.
    • Absolute path is preferred, but relative path can also be used.
  • -o --output
    • Specify the output path where to store the JSON color palette.
  • --save-check
    • Asks if the user wants to save the extracted color palettes.
  • --preview
    • Shows a preview of the extracted color palettes before saving.
  • --preview-check
    • Shows a preview of, and asks if the user wants to save, the extracted color palettes.
  • --pastel
    • Converts all color palettes into pastel.
  • --pastel-light
    • Converts light color palette into pastel.
  • --pastel-normal
    • Converts normal color palette into pastel.
  • --pastel-dark
    • Converts dark color palette into pastel.
  • --sat_pref
    • Gives preference to more saturated colors of all color palettes.
  • --sat_pref-light
    • Gives preference to more saturated colors of the light color palette.
  • --sat_pref-normal
    • Gives preference to more saturated colors of the normal color palette.
  • --sat_pref-dark
    • Gives preference to more saturated colors of the dark color palette.
  • -v --version
    • Prints the PyPalEx version.


  • When using PyPalEx, the use of either -f --files and/or -p --path is a MUST. Without either, or both of, these two options being specified, PyPalEx will not work.
  • PyPalEx will skip over any files that are not images.
  • Please note that all the --pastel and --sat_pref options only affect the 6 base colors (red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan) and do NOT affect the background, foreground, black, and white colors.
  • Please note that the user can individually select which palette to convert to pastel (do not mistake palette for "color scheme/color theme"). For more details, please refer to the PyPalEx wiki homepage to identify which "color scheme/color theme" contains the palette you wish to convert to pastel.


-f --files Option

palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg
palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg path/to/image/dir/image2.PNG

The -f --files option can be used with a singular image file or with multiple image files. The user must specify the absolute file path to the image they want to use with PyPalEx. However, if the user is already within the directory where the images are located, then a relative file path is also acceptable.

~ > cd path/to
~/path/to >
~/path/to > palex -f image/dir/image.jpeg image/dir/image2.PNG
~ > cd path/to
~/path/to >
~/path/to > palex -f image/dir/image.jpeg
~/path/to > cd image/dir
~/path/to/image/dir >
~/path/to/image/dir > palex -f image.JPEG image2.png

The above examples are meant to show how a user can navigate to a direcotry with images, or at least relatively close to a directory with images, and then use PyPalEx with the -f --files option and relative file path(s).

-p --path Option

palex -p path/to/image/dir/
palex -p path/to/ -f image/dir/image.png
palex -p path/to/image/dir/ -f image.png
palex -f image1.png image2.jpg image3.jpeg -p path/to/image/dir/

The -p --path option can be used with a whole directory of images and files or it can be used as a reference point for the -f --files option. When the -f --files option is used with -p --path, the user does not have to specify the absolute path to the images, just the relative image names/filepath(s). The directory that was provided with -p --path will be searched for the image names/filepath(s) specified.

-o --output Option

palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/ 
palex -o path/to/output/dir/ -p path/to/image/dir/
palex -p path/to/image/dir/ -f image.png -o path/to/output/dir/
palex -f image1.png image2.jpg image3.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/ -p path/to/image/dir/

The -o --output option can be used with both the -f --files and -p --path options. The sole purpose of the -o --output option is to let the user override the default output directory. Please refer to Environment Variables for details about the default output directory.

--save-check Option

palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/ --save-check

Asks if the user wants to save the extracted color palettes after the extraction process is completed.

--preview Option

palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/ --preview

Shows a preview of the extracted color palettes before saving. This option requires that the user's terminal has the capability to show ASCII characters and ANSI colors. A future update may include a GUI variation of this preview option to avoid this issue.

--preview-check Option

palex -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/ --preview-check

Shows a preview of, and asks if the user wants to save, the extracted color palettes. This option is a combination of the --preview and --save-check options. This option requires that the user's terminal has the capability to show ASCII characters and ANSI colors. A future update may include a GUI variation of this preview option to avoid this issue.

--pastel Option

palex --pastel -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Converts all the extracted color palettes into pastel.

--pastel-light Option

palex --pastel-light -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Converts light color palette into pastel.

--pastel-normal Option

palex --pastel-normal -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Converts normal color palette into pastel.

--pastel-dark Option

palex --pastel-dark -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Converts dark color palette into pastel.

--sat_pref Option

palex --sat_pref -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Gives preference to more saturated colors of all color palettes during the extraction process.

--sat_pref-light Option

palex --sat_pref-light -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Gives preference to more saturated colors of the light color palette during the extraction process.

--sat_pref-normal Option

palex --sat_pref-normal -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Gives preference to more saturated colors of the normal color palette during the extraction process.

--sat_pref-dark Option

palex --sat_pref-dark -f path/to/image/dir/image.jpeg -o path/to/output/dir/

Gives preference to more saturated colors of the dark color palette during the extraction process.

-v --version Option

palex -v
palex --version

The -v --version option is used to print the PyPalEx version number.


Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and welcomed. On the PyPalEx GitHub repository, there is a Discussion post that is available for each Release version of PyPalEx and open to everyone for any comments or feedback on the version of PyPalEx you are using.


Python Palette Extractor is a tool for extracting color palettes from images and generating a JSON format file with normal, light, and dark color palettes/schemes.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%