Akul Suhail Malhotra's repositories
The CERT Division, in partnership with ExactData, LLC, and under sponsorship from DARPA I2O, generated a collection of synthetic insider threat test datasets. These datasets provide both synthetic background data and data from synthetic malicious actors. For more background on this data, please see the paper, Bridging the Gap: A Pragmatic Approach to Generating Insider Threat Data. Datasets are organized according to the data generator release that created them. Most releases include multiple datasets (e.g., r3.1 and r3.2).
This project is designed for figuring out air pollution and its effects on mortality causes utilizing various machine learning algorithms. This project is a part of STAT 627 (Statistical Machine Learning) at AU
During our extending spring break, I decided to start getting hands on training with Machine Learning in Tensorflow. I will cover what I have learned Machine Learning with Tensorflow course taughtr taking Freecodecamp's recently released by Tim from "Tech with Tim". As a Data Science newbie, this course really helped me to get a great overview of Machine Learning and to get hands-on practice with a few datasets and to get ideas on how they can be used for future projects in my Masters in Data Science program! Course Source: https://youtu.be/tPYj3fFJGjk Sponsorships:
Source Code for 'Applied Data Science Using PySpark' by Ramcharan Kakarla, Sundar Krishnan, and Sridhar Alla
Our objective is to look at the current marketing tactics utilized by American University and see how exactly they compare to each other in terms of the number of applications submitted for online graduate programs. We believe that (1) effective marketing will correlate with a higher rate of applications submitted and (2) applications submitted is an accurate measure of the effective reach of the marketing campaign. We focus on the efficiency of online marketing compared to traditional marketing and whether or not online marketing is worth investing more money.
This is a project on Deep Fakes Detection for STAT696 at AU
Code repository for the O'Reilly publication "Building Machine Learning Pipelines" by Hannes Hapke & Catherine Nelson
code for Data Science From Scratch book
The new data&stuff blog!
Framework for Easily Invertible Architectures
Tutorials and training material for the H2O Machine Learning Platform
12 weeks, 24 lessons, classic Machine Learning for all
OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
Official Repository for 'Practical Natural Language Processing' by O'Reilly
Code repository for O'Reilly book
Python Natural Language Processing Cookbook, published by Packt