Akshat-Tripathi / Conquer2AICompetition

This repo contains python code for the conquer2 AI competition

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#Conquer2 AI Competition

What to do

You'll be creating a bot which will eventually play Conquer2 against both other players and other players' bots. This repo contains several tools and helper code to make developing a bot player easier.


  1. Bots will take a maximum of 1 action per second even if the action is invalid
  2. The creators of the bots will be barred from playing in games where their own bot is playing

Conquer2 Rules

You can choose 1 of 5 types of action:

  1. Attacks a. You must have more than 1 troop in the country you're attacking from b. You cannot own the country you are attacking

  1. Movements a. You must move less than the number of troops in the source country b. You must own both the source and destination countries

  1. Donations a. You can donate stonks to any player, dead or alive b. You cannot donate more stonks than you own

  1. Buys (aka deploys) a. You must own the destination country b. You cannot use more stonks than you own

  1. Assists a. You must move less than the number of troops in the source country b. You must own the source country but not the destination country



Actions are represented as tuples of size 4 with the following format: (action_type, src, dest, troops)

Action type There are 6 different types of action

  • 0: Deploy (buy), ignores the value of src
  • 1: Attack, ignores the value of troops
  • 2: Move
  • 3. Assist
  • 4. Donate, ignores the value of src
  • 5. Do nothing

  • Src/Dest These are integers which represent which country to (move/assist) from and which country to (move/assist/deploy) to. When donating, the other player's number is stored in dest

    Troops Troops represent the number of troops to be (moved/deployed/used to assist). If troops is equal to 0, then all available troops/stonks will be used. If troops is equal to -1, then half of the available troops/stonks will be used


    The game class provides the basic implementation of a game.

    def __init__(self, graph, num_players, timer, initial_countries=1, initial_troops=10):

    graph is an adjacency matrix used to store the map. timer represents a timer object.

    The game represents the number of troops in each country in the state field, which is a numpy array with shape (number_of_countries,)

    The game represents ownership in a similar array, but it is highly recommenended that you use the helper methods defined below.

    #Used to change who owns particular countries
    set_owner(self, country, player)
    get_owner(self, country) #returns -1 if noone owns the country

    When you want to take an action, use the following.

    #Returns whether or not the action won the game
    take_action(self, action, player)
    attack(self, src, dest, player)
    #Simulate attack performs an attack with the specified result
    #Ie you can simulate a dice roll
    simulate_attack(self, src, dest, player, deltaSrc, deltaDest)
    deploy(self, dest, troops, player)
    move(self, src, dest, troops, player)
    assist(self, src, dest, troops, player)
    donate(self, player, recepient, troops)

    All the above methods return whether or not an action won the game, but only attacks can win games. NB: None of the above validate actions, if you want to make sure that your action is valid, use the following.

    take_valid_action(self, action, player)

    If you want to get all the valid actions use the following methods.

    #By default action_types covers all action types, change it if you want different action types
    get_valid_actions(self, player, action_types)
    get_valid_attacks(self, player):
    get_valid_deployments(self, player):
    get_valid_moves(self, player):
    get_valid_assists(self, player):
    get_valid_donations(self, player):


    The agent class is what you should subclass when making your bot. You must override the step method. Agents have games, and a unique player number, all agents will share the same game object.

    Here's the implementation of the random_agent defined here

    from .agent import agent
    from random import randint, seed
    class random_agent(agent):
        def step(self):
            if self.player in self.game.dead_players:
                return [5, 0, 0, 0]
            valid_actions = self.game.get_valid_actions(self.player, [0, 1, 2, 5])
            action = valid_actions[randint(0, len(valid_actions) - 1)]
            return action

    The random agent first checks if it is dead, and if so, it does nothing, otherwise it gets a list of valid actions, and selects one action at random and then returns it. When making a bot, you should override the step method to return the action you wish to take.


    The best way to visualise an agent on the Conquer map is to use conquer.py

    Here's an example of its use

    from game_utils.connection.conquer import conquer
    g = game(...)
    visualisation = conquer(g)
    #Add agents to the game
    c.send(action, player)


    This repo contains python code for the conquer2 AI competition


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