Akkadius / eqemu-monocle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The purpose of this project is to handle database imports from CSV dumps namely from project https://github.com/maudigan/MQ2TakeADump


Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/Akkadius/eqemu-monocle.git

In monocle folder

cp .env.example .env

Change your DB variables to point to the appropriate database of your choosing

Docker Init

From the root monocle folder

docker-compose up -d workspace

Workspace Bash

From the root monocle folder

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Once you are in the bash, you will be volume mounted to your code directory, from here issue the following commands

composer install -o

From there our CLI environment should be ready to go

Seeding a PEQ Database for Testing (From workspace container)

If you would like to seed some data for testing, the follow works fine

apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget unzip mysql-client

wget http://edit.peqtgc.com/weekly/peq_beta.zip -O /tmp/peq_beta.zip
cd /tmp/
unzip -o peq_beta.zip

mysql -h mariadb -uroot -proot -e "drop database peq; CREATE DATABASE peq"
mysql -h mariadb -uroot -proot peq < peqbeta.sql
mysql -h mariadb -uroot -proot peq < player_tables.sql


Current tools as of this writing

php artisan | grep zonetools
  zonetools:dump-import        Parses CSV zone dumps
  zonetools:npc-type-renumber  Handles renumbering NPC data that that are outside PEQ ID convention
  zonetools:zone-delete        Deletes entity data in a zone

CSV Dump Storage Location

When you have dumps to import, place them in the following directory (from root)


It should look like the following

ls -l
total 1352
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff   27747 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_Door_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff     278 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_GroundItem_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff  639173 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_NPC_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff     278 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_Objects_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff     209 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_ZonePoint_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cmiles  staff    4987 Jan  2 18:16 Thundercrest_Zone_2018-10-15-12-17-25.csv
drwxr-xr-x  3 cmiles  staff      96 Jan  2 18:19 public

Importing a Zone

    protected $signature = 'zonetools:dump-import
        {dump_type : npc|door|object|groundspawn|zonepoint|zone|all}
        {--s|skip-confirmation : Skips file prompt confirmation}

Importing just NPCs

php artisan zonetools:dump-import thundercrest 0 npc

Importing all

php artisan zonetools:dump-import thundercrest 0 all -s

Deleting a Zone

    protected $signature = 'zonetools:zone-delete 
        {delete_type : npc|door|object|groundspawn|zonepoint|zone|all}
php artisan zonetools:zone-delete thundercrest 0 all

Example of just deleting NPCs

php artisan zonetools:zone-delete poknowledge 0 npc
Deleted 'spawn2' (438)...
Deleted 'spawngroup' (438)...
Deleted 'spawnentry' (438)...
Deleted 'npc_types' (438)...


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 98.9%Language:Blade 0.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%Language:JavaScript 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:SCSS 0.1%Language:Vue 0.1%