Akirtovskis / stacks-local-dev

Local Dev setup using Docker for the stacks blockchain

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stacks Blockchain with Docker


Install/Update docker-compose

Note: docker-compose executable is required, even though recent versions of Docker contain compose natively
Install Docker-compose
Docker Desktop for Mac
Docker Desktop for Windows
Docker Engine for Linux

First, check if you have docker-compose installed locally:

$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.27.4, build 40524192

If the command is not found, or the version is < 1.27.4, run the following to install the latest to /usr/local/bin/docker-compose:

VERSION=$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest | jq .name -r)
sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o $DESTINATION
sudo chmod 755 $DESTINATION

Env Vars

All variables used in the sample.env file can be modified, but generally most of them should be left as-is.

Local Data Dirs

Directories will be created on first start that will store persistent data under ./persistent-data/<network>

<network> can be 1 of:

  • mocknet
  • testnet
  • mainnet
  • private-testnet


  1. Clone the repo locally:
$ git clone https://github.com/blockstack/stacks-local-dev ./stacks-local-dev && cd ./stacks-local-dev
  1. Create/Copy .env file Use a symlink as an alternative to copying: ln -s sample.env .env
$ cp sample.env .env
  1. V1 BNS data is not imported by default. If you'd like to use BNS data, uncomment this line in your .env file
  1. Ensure all images are up to date
$ ./manage.sh <network> pull
  1. Start the Services:
$ ./manage.sh <network> up
  1. Stop the Services:
$ ./manage.sh <network> down
  1. Retrieve Service Logs
$ ./manage.sh <network> logs
  1. Restart all services:
$ ./manage.sh <network> restart

Accessing the services

Note: For networks other than mocknet, downloading the initial headers can take several minutes. Until the headers are downloaded, the /v2/info endpoints won't return any data. Use the command ./manage.sh <network> logs to check the sync progress


  • Ports 20443-20444 are exposed to localhost
$ curl localhost:20443/v2/info | jq


  • Ports 3999 are exposed to localhost
$ curl localhost:3999/v2/info | jq

Using the private testnet

Deploying a contract

Follow the guide here to install the stx cli

  1. Make a keychain
$ stx make_keychain -t | jq . > cli_keychain.json
  1. Get some testnet STX:
$ curl -s -X POST "localhost:3999/extended/v1/faucets/stx?address=$(cat ./cli_keychain.json | jq -r .keyInfo.address)" | jq .
  "success": true,
  "txId": "0xdd8cfd9070f2cdfa13f513e45f7ce6f2fa350f6f4a45c8393b0b0ae88df6fa6a",
  "txRaw": "80800000000400164247d6f2b425ac5771423ae6c80c754f7172b0000000000000000100000000000000b40001715f0751a1f8a20f0af3f8604b30730915d8489f229ea78320b199a7c037ece375808cbd1aa73706c62357a1c8827f859e5c896f5166d1aee8a8c5618163ca5903020000000000051a8234f5ebfd5841303de78bf4eecc41aa1013b2af000000001dcd650046617563657400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
  1. Check your balance:
$ curl -s "localhost:3999/v2/accounts/$(cat ./cli_keychain.json | jq -r .keyInfo.address)?proof=0" | jq -r .balance
  1. Publish a smart contract:

Generate the transaction hex:

$ stx deploy_contract -x -t ~/devel/stacks-blockchain/sample-contracts/tokens.clar hello-world 2000 0 $(cat ./cli_keychain.json | jq -r .keyInfo.privateKey) > /tmp/deploy-tx.hex

Push to the miner's mempool:

$ cat /tmp/deploy-tx.hex | xxd -p -r | curl -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -X POST --data-binary @- localhost:20443/v2/transactions

Check the API's view of the transaction:

$ curl -s http://localhost:3999/extended/v1/tx/0xc1a41067d67e55962018b449fc7defabd409f317124e190d6bbb2905ae11b735 | jq .
  "tx_id": "0xc1a41067d67e55962018b449fc7defabd409f317124e190d6bbb2905ae11b735",
  "tx_type": "smart_contract",
  "nonce": 0,
  "fee_rate": "2000",
  "sender_address": "ST2139XFBZNC42C1XWY5Z9VPC86N104XJNWVB2ZDY",
  "sponsored": false,
  "post_condition_mode": "allow",
  "tx_status": "success",
  "block_hash": "0xe29d0c8eba592de25ac32369e2a56db244e313164b55d6b1cacf5d271b8905d9",
  "block_height": 407,
  "burn_block_time": 1620242680,
  "burn_block_time_iso": "2021-05-05T19:24:40.000Z",
  "canonical": true,
  "tx_index": 1,
  "tx_result": {
    "hex": "0x0703",
    "repr": "(ok true)"
  "post_conditions": [],
  "smart_contract": {
    "contract_id": "ST2139XFBZNC42C1XWY5Z9VPC86N104XJNWVB2ZDY.hello-world",
    "source_code": "(define-map tokens { account: principal } { balance: uint })\n(define-private (get-balance (account principal))\n  (default-to u0 (get balance (map-get? tokens (tuple (account account))))))\n\n(define-private (token-credit! (account principal) (amount uint))\n  (if (<= amount u0)\n      (err \"must move positive balance\")\n      (let ((current-amount (get-balance account)))\n        (begin\n          (map-set tokens (tuple (account account))\n                      (tuple (balance (+ amount current-amount))))\n          (ok amount)))))\n\n(define-public (token-transfer (to principal) (amount uint))\n  (let ((balance (get-balance tx-sender)))\n    (if (or (> amount balance) (<= amount u0))\n        (err \"must transfer positive balance and possess funds\")\n        (begin\n          (map-set tokens (tuple (account tx-sender))\n                      (tuple (balance (- balance amount))))\n          (token-credit! to amount)))))\n\n(define-public (mint! (amount uint))\n   (let ((balance (get-balance tx-sender)))\n     (token-credit! tx-sender amount)))\n\n(token-credit! 'SZ2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQ9H6DPR u10000)\n(token-credit! 'SM2J6ZY48GV1EZ5V2V5RB9MP66SW86PYKKQVX8X0G u300)\n"
  "events": [],
  "event_count": 0

Workarounds to potential issues

Port(s) already in use:

  • If you have a port conflict, typically this means you already have a process using that same port.
  • To resolve, find the port you have in use (i.e. 3999 and edit your .env file to use the new port.
$ netstat -anl | grep 3999
tcp46      0      0  *.3999                 *.*                    LISTEN

Containers not starting (hanging on start):

  • Occasionally, docker can get stuck and not allow new containers to start. If this happens, simply restart your docker daemon and try again.

BNS Data not imported/incorrect:

  • This could happen if a file exists, but is empty or truncated. The script to extract these files should address this, but if it doesn't you can manually extract the files.
$ wget https://storage.googleapis.com/blockstack-v1-migration-data/export-data.tar.gz -O ./persistent-data/bns-data/export-data.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf ./persistent-data/bns-data/export-data.tar.gz -C ./persistent-data/bns-data/

Database Issues:

  • For any of the various Postgres issues, it may be easier to simply remove the persistent data dir for postgres. Note that doing so will result in a longer startup time as the data is repopulated.
$ rm -rf ./persistent-data/<network>
$ ./manage.sh <network> restart

Stacks Blockchain Issues:

  • For any of the various stacks blockchain issues, it may be easier to simply remove the persistent data dir. Note that doing so will result in a longer startup time as the chainstate is synced.
$ rm -rf ./persistent-data/<network>
$ ./manage.sh <network> restart


Local Dev setup using Docker for the stacks blockchain

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 93.9%Language:Dockerfile 6.1%