AkatQuas / react-playlist

Boilerplates on reactjs

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Some points in this tutorial

Feel free to play or contact me!

How to play

  • old-fashioned folder, you can just open the html file in the browser and everything should be fine.
  • webpack-frame folders, you need cd into one of them and npm install then npm run dev, everything should be fine. Though the dev command is kind of tricky because I keep the dist folder rather than a single index.html outside the dist folder, anthor thing to tackle.
  • If you want to npm run build, at this moment(20/09/2017), I don't know the exact way how the webpack working. Cleaning the dist folder is kind of beyond me.

About the tutorials

After a long time, I turn back to ReactJS. So I have to learn a lot of things from very start.

Many of them are from the official documentation examples.

Start the webpack project manually

  • create package.json via npm init.
  • create webpack.config.js, configuring the basic config.
    • devServer, an amazing package, npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server
    • babel-loader for js, choose the suitable preset, in this case, latest, stage-0, react.
    • json-loader for json, for mocking some simple json data.
    • style-loader!css-loader!autoprefixer-loader for css.
    • style-loader!css-loader!autoprefixer-loader!sass-loader for sass, you may need install node-sass as well.
  • create some npm command in the package.json.

And then you are free to fly!

Small tips on React

  • Class should be name with PascalCase rather than camelCase or kabab-case.
  • Several ways to create Component, createReactClass / extends React.Component / stateless functional Components. It is a good way to use stateless functional Components which might have better performance.
  • react-icons is an awesome icons library.
  • prop-types has been moved out of the React package to another individual package. See this. It is not compulsory.
  • react-router, something useful is in the history package.
  • Link is in the react-router-dom package, maybe you need to install manually.
  • setState is used to set some data to the component's state, rather than just give an assignment statement.
  • in Visual Studio Code, add "files.associations": { "*.js": "javascriptreact" } to use the jsx syntax in react-related-js files.
  • you cannot return false to prevent default behavior in React. You must call preventDefault explicitly.
  • Using Typescript with Creat React App, just run creat-react-app my-app --script-version=react-scripts-ts.
  • Formatting Code Automatically, read this article.


Boilerplates on reactjs


Language:JavaScript 83.4%Language:HTML 5.7%Language:CSS 5.0%Language:TypeScript 4.6%Language:SCSS 0.7%Language:EJS 0.5%