AkangkhaMitra / README

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👋 Hi, I’m @Akangkha Mitra 📊 Data Alchemist 🌟Transforming Raw Numbers into Insights
🔮 Python Enthusiast | Machine Learning Magician 📈 Visualizing Stories with Code 🌌 Exploring the Universe, One Dataset at a Time 🧩 Let's Decode the Data Puzzle Together! 🌱 Currently learning LSTM/CNN/ANN/RNN/PowerBi 💞️ Looking to collaborate on Prediction And Forcasting projects 📫 Reach me- akangkhamitra123@gmail.com

Hi there! I'm a Computer Science(Big Data Analytics) student with a passion for programming and Data Analytics.Let's connect and build some awesome And Accurate Prediction And Forcating together!
