Akai01 / ngboost

An R interface to the NGBoost.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The goal of ngboost is to provide an R interface for the Python package NGBoost.

What is Natural Gradient Boosting?

“NGBoost is a method for probabilistic prediction with competitive state-of-the-art performance on a variety of datasets. NGBoost combines a multiparameter boosting algorithm with the natural gradient to efficiently estimate how parameters of the presumed outcome distribution vary with the observed features. NGBoost performs as well as existing methods for probabilistic regression but retains major advantages: NGBoost is flexible, scalable, and easy-to-use.” (From the paper, Duan, et at., 2019, see here)


The development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")



A probabilistic regression example on the Boston housing dataset:

#> Loading required package: reticulate

data(Boston, package = "MASS")

dta <- rsample::initial_split(Boston)

train <- rsample::training(dta)

test <- rsample::testing(dta)

x_train = train[,1:13]
y_train = train[,14]

x_test = test[,1:13]
y_test = test[,14]

model <- NGBRegression$new(Dist = Dist("Exponential"),
                           Base = sklearner(),
                           Score = Scores("MLE"),
                           natural_gradient =TRUE,
                           n_estimators = 600,
                           learning_rate = 0.002,
                           minibatch_frac = 0.8,
                           col_sample = 0.9,
                           verbose = TRUE,
                           verbose_eval = 100,
                           tol = 1e-5)

model$fit(X = x_train, Y = y_train, X_val = x_test, Y_val = y_test)

#>    features  importance
#> 1      crim 0.117881241
#> 2        zn 0.001208810
#> 3     indus 0.012372080
#> 4      chas 0.001002271
#> 5       nox 0.056942928
#> 6        rm 0.176114767
#> 7       age 0.027487719
#> 8       dis 0.050332393
#> 9       rad 0.004942415
#> 10      tax 0.025936466
#> 11  ptratio 0.025421921
#> 12    black 0.034273781
#> 13    lstat 0.466083208


#> [1] 20.97577 20.26427 15.82709 15.25654 19.71702 14.75056

distt <- model$pred_dist(x_test) # it returns a NGBDist

#> [1] "NGBDistReg" "R6"

?NGBDist # see the available methods
#> No documentation for 'NGBDist' in specified packages and libraries:
#> you could try '??NGBDist'

distt$interval(confidence = .9)
#> [[1]]
#>   [1] 1.0759162 1.0394212 0.8118237 0.7825583 1.0113507 0.7566050 1.0496568
#>   [8] 1.1143298 1.0472284 0.9037815 0.9970665 1.0398567 1.5715081 0.9548589
#>  [15] 1.0998399 1.1102689 1.1557172 1.1450350 1.6915874 1.6904072 1.1515997
#>  [22] 1.1742950 1.2402832 1.4187055 1.2585190 0.9334092 1.0169164 0.9760542
#>  [29] 1.0598535 1.0620905 0.8525441 1.0351985 0.8259550 0.9382414 0.8467941
#>  [36] 0.8358114 0.8565694 0.8781342 1.0736043 0.8531474 1.2016832 2.3322218
#>  [43] 2.2672122 1.1598534 1.0317973 1.2032399 1.7389629 1.4246417 2.1892182
#>  [50] 1.6800488 1.1797544 1.0108459 0.9288902 0.9744566 1.1031933 1.0725771
#>  [57] 2.1594903 1.3025033 1.1108417 1.0784915 1.1893328 1.2879130 1.3794029
#>  [64] 1.7107134 1.1689120 2.2720635 1.7216025 1.0751543 1.2996765 2.1117497
#>  [71] 1.5585570 2.2604965 2.1535752 1.1316002 1.1357918 1.3546891 1.6698481
#>  [78] 1.3958033 1.4828655 1.4778899 1.0536363 1.0856019 1.0336042 1.1423934
#>  [85] 1.1148042 1.1910388 1.1857402 1.2489614 1.0946772 0.9930221 0.9899008
#>  [92] 1.0654861 1.0277351 1.6540368 1.4944613 1.5725638 1.1376886 1.1548331
#>  [99] 1.6129248 1.7227833 0.5928467 0.5054178 0.7301362 0.8153189 0.3757723
#> [106] 0.6276727 0.6275357 0.3834950 0.8009085 0.7138012 0.4227620 0.5606350
#> [113] 0.8001861 0.6574251 0.6546425 0.8148326 0.8579452 0.8723704 1.0687165
#> [120] 1.1216865 0.7828301 1.0513031 1.0197157 1.1056430 1.0769412 1.0198085
#> [127] 1.5600706
#> [[2]]
#>   [1]  62.83778  60.70633  47.41373  45.70452  59.06690  44.18874  61.30413
#>   [8]  65.08129  61.16230  52.78443  58.23265  60.73176  91.78232  55.76755
#>  [15]  64.23502  64.84412  67.49848  66.87459  98.79543  98.72650  67.25800
#>  [22]  68.58349  72.43747  82.85804  73.50251  54.51481  59.39196  57.00545
#>  [29]  61.89966  62.03031  49.79196  60.45971  48.23906  54.79703  49.45614
#>  [36]  48.81471  50.02706  51.28653  62.70276  49.82720  70.18308 136.21102
#>  [43] 132.41420  67.74005  60.26107  70.27399 101.56234  83.20474 127.85905
#>  [50]  98.12153  68.90235  59.03742  54.25088  56.91214  64.43088  62.64276
#>  [57] 126.12282  76.07137  64.87757  62.98819  69.46176  75.21924  80.56261
#>  [64]  99.91246  68.26911 132.69754 100.54843  62.79329  75.90627 123.33458
#>  [71]  91.02592 132.02198 125.77735  66.08995  66.33475  79.11923  97.52577
#>  [78]  81.52046  86.60524  86.31464  61.53655  63.40347  60.36659  66.72031
#>  [85]  65.10900  69.56140  69.25194  72.94431  63.93350  57.99644  57.81414
#>  [92]  62.22863  60.02382  96.60233  87.28248  91.84398  66.44553  67.44684
#>  [99]  94.20122 100.61739  34.62460  29.51841  42.64285  47.61786  21.94659
#> [106]  36.65858  36.65058  22.39763  46.77624  41.68883  24.69098  32.74332
#> [113]  46.73405  38.39624  38.23373  47.58946  50.10741  50.94990  62.41729
#> [120]  65.51095  45.72039  61.40028  59.55545  64.57395  62.89765  59.56087
#> [127]  91.11432

Classification example:

data(BreastCancer, package = "mlbench")

dta <- na.omit(BreastCancer)

dta <- rsample::initial_split(dta)

train <- rsample::training(dta)

test <- rsample::testing(dta)

x_train = train[,2:10]
y_train = as.integer(train[,11])

x_test = test[,2:10]
y_test = as.integer(test[,11])

model <- NGBClassifier$new(Dist = Dist("k_categorical", k = 3),
                           Base = sklearner(),
                           Score = Scores("LogScore"),
                           natural_gradient = TRUE,
                           n_estimators = 100,
                           tol = 1e-5,
                           random_state = NULL)

model$fit(x_train, y_train, X_val = x_test, Y_val = y_test)

#>           features   importance
#> 1     Cl.thickness 4.790004e-02
#> 2        Cell.size 5.227276e-02
#> 3       Cell.shape 7.486254e-01
#> 4    Marg.adhesion 7.475022e-01
#> 5     Epith.c.size 7.048404e-02
#> 6      Bare.nuclei 6.795669e-02
#> 7      Bl.cromatin 3.386698e-03
#> 8  Normal.nucleoli 2.263429e-03
#> 9          Mitoses 2.909698e-02
#> 10    Cl.thickness 3.022025e-02
#> 11       Cell.size 6.596945e-02
#> 12      Cell.shape 7.018171e-02
#> 13   Marg.adhesion 1.151351e-02
#> 14    Epith.c.size 5.616345e-03
#> 15     Bare.nuclei 2.190058e-02
#> 16     Bl.cromatin 2.398665e-02
#> 17 Normal.nucleoli 1.123269e-03
#> 18         Mitoses 1.004279e-10


#>   [1] 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
#>  [38] 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
#>  [75] 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
#> [112] 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
#> [149] 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2

#>              [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
#> [1,] 1.081404e-17 1.000000e+00 6.222232e-18
#> [2,] 1.081404e-17 1.000000e+00 6.222232e-18
#> [3,] 1.081404e-17 1.000000e+00 6.222232e-18
#> [4,] 1.081404e-17 6.222232e-18 1.000000e+00
#> [5,] 1.081404e-17 1.000000e+00 6.222232e-18
#> [6,] 1.081404e-17 1.000000e+00 6.222232e-18


An R interface to the NGBoost.



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