- Corner Detection
- Adaptive Non-Maximal Suppression (ANMS)
- Feature Descriptor
- Feature Matching
- RANSAC for Outlier Rejection
- Blending Images
Navigate the below folder:
cd ../Phase1/Code/
Run the follwing code:
python Wrapper.py
Please make sure you are in the same directory as the code files in order to execute them in the command prompt. If not, use cd/../loc to navigate to the location of the Python files.
Navigate the below folder:
cd ../Phase2/Code/
The following command must be entered into the command prompt to create Training data:
python Wrapper.py --NumFeatures 64 --Data Train
The following command must be entered into the command prompt to create Testing Data:
python Wrapper.py --NumFeatures 64 --Data Test
The following command must be entered into the command prompt to run training:
python Train.py --NumFeatures 64 --ModelType Sup
Based on the Model to run, the --ModelType can either Sup for supervised network and Unsup for Unsupervised Network. In case you need more information regarding the parse arguments for a particular file, you can run the following code:
python Train.py -h
python Test.py --NumFeatures 64